January 2023 newsletter
ATV raffle
Ice fishing derby Saturday Feb 4, 2023
Mad River Club ice fishing derby Saturday February 4th at the Sandy Pond Sportsman club, registration 6am-10am. Tickets now available and going out in mail. Online sales available also. Please support the club by helping out with the derby and get the kids involved.
December Newsletter
Mad River Club Survey
The mad river board of directors is asking that you take a few minutes to complete the survey link below. This survey will help them with decisions moving forward. If you did not complete this through the news letter please use the link below.
Thank you for your participation
Christmas Party
October Newsletter
Loggers on Property
Loggers will soon be pulling out of the Glen Ave. area due to the wet conditions.
They will continue the logging just past Mud Slide Creak on Camp 2 road so be very careful of them and the truck traffic
The beavers are flooding the West Road in the Wurth property. The landowner has asked the MRC for help so, Any beaver trappers we have please help eradicate these in that area.
Also, if you see road flooding, please contact a club officer so we can notify the landowners.
Notice to all; If you desire to enter the lease lands with a large trailer or load you need to let a club officer know so we can get you permission.
We had a member come through with a large trailer full of building materials and the landowners didn’t appreciate that.
Please remember we are guest on the lease lands. Please be respectful of them.
Have a safe and bountiful hunting season!!
One member one guest.