
May 2018 Newsletter


MAY 2018

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, June 8th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)

                             Club Orientation will be held on June 9th.

                             Annual Trout derby will be June 30th

                             Annual MRC 3-D bow shoot will be July 20, 21, 22

                            Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th

                             Bow Shoot in August on 17th, 18th, 19th


GENERAL MTG: Dick Palmer called the meeting to order at 8:15 pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Bill Crocker sponsor Danny Robbins, Dean Campbell sponsor Jimmy Walker, Edward Loveridge sponsor Andrew Green, David Vigliotti sponsor Doug Carr, Jeremy Parker sponsor Steve Casselbury, Adam Wheeler sponsor Sean Corcoran, Ronald Wheeler sponsor Sean Corcoran, Todd Petrie sponsor Frank Ives, John Mercer sponsor John Quinn, Karl Seckner sponsor Bryan Mitchell, Barry Stafford sponsor Tim Ridgeway.


The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Jeremy Allen sponsor Shawn Allen, Christopher Smith sponsor, Christopher Moyer sponsor Curtis Conklin, Karl Seckner sponsor Brian Mitchell, Joshua Groff sponsor Jonathan Pelton, Trevor Baldwin sponsor Jonathan Pelton, Jerry Miller sponsor James Johnson, Donald Larson sponsor Donald Smith, Alson Clarke sponsor Jason Bronner, Jason Blose sponsor David Boyd, Clifford Young sponsor Jack Keach, John Boenning sponsor Chris Conway, Jason Vickery sponsor Chris Conway, Robert Walczyk sponsor Lloyd Perkins, Matthew Collins sponsor Eugene Montieth, James Allen sponsor Randy Corsette, David Wilson sponsor Tim Howell, and Michael Storie sponsor John Malinowski




Gift card sent to Anthony Cimilluca

Gift card sent to Robert Munski

Bill Killam had surgery to remove kidney stones

Dave Majerus Sr. had knee replacement surgery

Dave Dano has had some blood transfusions and is not feeling well

Donald Smith had quadruple bypass surgery


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail

Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


GUN RAFFLE: Welcome to the Mad River Club 2018 Gun Raffle. We thank you for your participation in this club fundraiser. The drawings will begin September 1st, 2018. Tickets are available now and will be handed out at the club meetings. Please return all ticket stubs with check by the 21st of August 2018. Mail to:         Madriver Club

P.O Box 329

Baldwinsville, NY, 13027

Tickets and money can also be turned in at the June, July and August regular club meetings. Members with ticket sales of (30) or more will be entered in an independent drawing at the September club meeting for a chance to win a Mossberg Patriot Rifle Blued/Synthetic in your choice of caliber, (223, 243, 270, 308, 22-250, 300 WM, 30-06, 7MM08) Also, as implemented last year, all members with sales of (30) or more tickets will receive credit for a workday. We will also be awarding the member with the highest number of tickets sold a $250.00 gift card to Sharpshooters. If there is a tie the money will be split accordingly. Thanks again for your participation. Questions or concerns can be emailed to or call 315-952-1624.


2018 MRC FAMILY PICNIC: This years family picnic will held on Sunday, July 29th. The plans are to have a morning trap shoot and then food and games in the afternoon. The food was great last year and will be just as great this year. Darien Brock who is running this event is asking for help in the kitchen and running the games for the adults and kids. Donations are needed for raffle items. People helping in the kitchen will only be asked to work ½ day so they can be with their families at the picnic. Darien is planning a workday on Saturday, July 28th to help set up for the picnic. Darien is asking that people make reservations for this picnic so he can make sure there will be enough food. Reservations have started and Darien is looking for the number of adults and the number, age, and gender of children attending so proper prizes can be obtained. Please have your reservations in by July 21st. To make reservations or sign up for a workday, please call Darien Brock at 315-778-2680 or he said you can text him.


2018 MRC ANNUAL KIDS TROUT DERBY: This year’s derby will be held on Saturday, June 30th. There is no registration on the day of the event, just go and fish and be back at the clubhouse between 12 and 12:30 for measuring and weigh-in. Lunch and beverages will be provided at the clubhouse. This year Woodwise has donated a $100.00 to the winner for biggest fish. All kids 16 and under will have a prize. Remember, Woodwise has donated money to stock the river this year. Stocking will take place on May 23rd so the chances for fish will be a little better this year. This is a great event for the kids. If you have any questions you can call Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.






Under Section 18 paragraph C the following will now be the rules concerning 4 wheeler usage on the club property:


  1. Each member may have one ATV with One guest with one ATV. A Members spouse may have one ATV with one guest with one ATV. Also, a member may have two more ATV’s with Board approval and notification to the MRC security team from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day. (proposed and approved 4-13-2018)




SECURITY CHANGES FOR THE PROPERTY: Woodwise is requiring all vechicles have a blue Woodwise sticker on their vehicles. This includes 4 wheelers, UTVs and personnel vehicles. Security chairmen Mike Lane and John Malinowski said if you cannot make a meeting to get the stickers then you can send them a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) to either of the following addresses and they would be mailed to you. Please note: you must include a copy of the vechicles registration along with the SASE to receive a sticker:


John Malinowski                                       Michael Lane

211 Old Cove Rd                                       3288 Pioneer Rd

Liverpool, NY 13090                                Lafayette, NY 13084



SECURITY REMINDER: The Pete Mattison trail is a private road. MRC members are not to run this road


Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request. Please call 315-427-1162 to use the traphouse.


TRAP SCHEDULE for Friday evening trap shoots for the year:
> Schedule for Friday shoots. Normally (4:30pm to 7:30pm), Meeting nights we start at 4pm and break down early for the BOD meeting at 6:30pm.
> May 4
> May 11
> May 18
> May 25 – No Shoot
> June 1
> June 8
> June 15
> June 22
> June 29
> July 6
> July 13
> July 20 – No Shoot
> July 27 – No Shoot
> Aug 3 – No shoot
> Aug 10
> Aug 17 – No Shoot
> Aug 24
> Aug 31
> Sept 7
> Sept 14
> Thanks,Gary


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year.. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601




B&G Chairman Dale Macklen said he will be looking for people to parge the basement walls on the outside of the clubhouse and do some brush cutting around the area this spring. Also, the snowmobilers indicated that we will have roads and trails work to do when the snow clears.




POSTING: If anyone is interested in posting southern tier property please contact Gary Crawford at

315-559-4174 or Bob Shelmindine.














CLUBHOUSE KITCHEN: Per Dale Macklen, a lot of work went in to cleaning and organizing the kitchen so if you use the kitchen put everything back the way you found it. Thanks.


NYS Conservation Council Report: (per Charlie Parker NYS Conservation Council President)


The federation report stated the need for every sportsmen to support the New York State Conservation Council.  The “Council” is the oldest Sportsmen / Conservation groups that advocates for mainly for the New York State Sportsmen and Conservationists.  The Mad River Club is a strong supporter but we as individual sportsmen can do more.  There are two options that all should consider.  One is becoming a Guardian or Defender Member.  The other is for those that use Amazon. Sign up through Amazon Smile and select the New York State Conservation Council as a recipient, and for each purchase you make using Amazon Smile, a portion is donated to the NYS Conservation Council.  For information on either of the above ways to support the Council go to   NYSCC CONSERVATION EDUCATION COMMITTEE INVITES SPORTSMEN AND WOMEN INPUT At the recent NYSCC annual Spring/Legislative meetings in Herkimer, Conservation Education Committee chair Keith Tidball announced plans to survey hunters, anglers, trappers, and other outdoor recreationalists regarding their preferences for what specific issues or topics the committee should direct their focus upon. The survey is intended for wide distribution; all county federation members, sportsmen’s club members, and those interested in the out-of-doors are encouraged to participate. Here is the link to the web-based survey:   The ability to follow legislation concerning sportsmen can be a tedious and sometimes boring task.  But it is still important that we be aware, as best we can as to what is gong on in Albany Fortunately the New York State Conservation Council does a lot of the “following” for you. With the Council’s website much of that information is easily available to you.  Just go to or and you can follow legislative bills and the current positions that the NYSCC has taken on various bills.   REMEMBER SUPPORT THE COUNCIL     Chuck Parker     One of the recent bills that was mentioned at the Last MRC Meeting was   MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION Bill #  S 7874   Kaminsky     No same as Title: Limits educational institution’s ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency. This is a terrible bill that the Council strongly opposes. Fortunately at this time it is only a one house bill.  Visit http://www.nyscc.




Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor vacant

Club Officers: President Dick Palmer 315-882-3295; 1st VP Gary Crawford 315-559-4174, 2nd V.P. Lloyd Perkins; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Justin Maselli


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Darien Brock 315-778-2680, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

















Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

April 2018 Newsletter


April 2018

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, May 11th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)

                             Club Orientation will be held on June 9th.

                             Annual Trout derby will be June 30th

                             Annual MRC 3-D bow shoot will be July 20, 21, 22

                            Bow Shoot in August on 17th, 18th, 19th

                             Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th


GENERAL MTG: Dave Dano called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Jeremy Allen sponsor Shawn Allen, Christopher Smith sponsor, Christopher Moyer sponsor Curtis Conklin, Karl Seckner sponsor Brian Mitchell, Joshua Groff sponsor Jonathan Pelton, Trevor Baldwin sponsor Jonathan Pelton, Jerry Miller sponsor James Johnson, Donald Larson sponsor Donald Smith, Alson Clarke sponsor Jason Bronner, Jason Blose sponsor David Boyd, Clifford Young sponsor Jack Keach, John Boenning sponsor Chris Conway, Jason Vickery sponsor Chris Conway, Robert Walczyk sponsor Lloyd Perkins, Matthew Collins sponsor Eugene Montieth, James Allen sponsor Randy Corsette, David Wilson sponsor Tim Howell, and Michael Storie sponsor John Malinowski.


The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Morgan Reynolds sponsor Gary Kastler, Thomas Moore sponsor Stan Shelmidine, William Wuest sponsor Stan Wuest, Paul Nohle sponsor James Cheney, Jill Jeromineck sponsor Brial Walton, Donald Carrol sponsor William Gould, Terry Dopp sponsor Rick Revoir, Nathan Barker sponsor Mike Demko, and Nicholas Lockerbie sponsor Mike Sparacino




Gary Diriwachter has pelvic cancer

James Abare had back surgery

Fred LaClair is home from the hospital


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail

Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.



BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was voted on and approved by the membership:



  • THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY (proposed approved 4-13-2018)

The Financial Secretary shall maintain all of the financial records in concurrence with the Treasurer, and shall deposit all moneys and valuable assets in the name of and to the credit of the Club in such depositories as may by designated by the Board. The Financial Secretary can nominate a Board Member to assist in the financial deposits, the member must be (A) Approved by the board (B) Notify the bonding company of this member to be added to the club policy. The Financial Secretary shall have the duty to examine the budgeted and unbudgeted accounts, all invoices, cash register tapes, vouchers, receipts, or disbursements, retain copies of the same in his or her custody, and approve in writing all payments made by the Treasurer monthly.


ANNUAL MRC ELECTIONS: At the April meeting all the positions were running unopposed therefore one vote was cast by the secretary and the membership voted them all in on one vote.

President:                                 Richard Palmer             Treasurer:                 Lori Vezendy

1st Vice President:                   Gary Crawford             Assistant Treasurer:   Bruce Hahn

2nd Vice President:                   Kelly Perkins               Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop

Financial Secretary:                 Rachel Pitkin               Newsletter Editor:     Shawn Allen

Assistant Financial Secretary: Justin Masselli             Assistant Newsletter Editor: Vacant


For the three year BOD positions: the membership was presented with the below three names. Previous nominees dropped out so these three people were voted in as noted above.


Larry Yerdon

Frank Hilliker               Darien Brock


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.




Under Section 18 paragraph C the following will now be the rules concerning 4 wheeler usage on the club property:


  1. Each member may have one ATV with One guest with one ATV. A Members spouse may have one ATV with one guest with one ATV. Also, a member may have two more ATV’s with Board approval and notification to the MRC security team from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day. (proposed and approved 4-13-2018)




SECURITY CHANGES FOR THE PROPERTY: Woodwise is requiring all vechicles have a blue Woodwise sticker on their vehicles. This includes 4 wheelers, UTVs and personnel vehicles. Security chairmen Mike Lane and John Malinowski said if you cannot make a meeting to get the stickers then you can send them a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) to either of the following addresses and they would be mailed to you. Please note: you must include a copy of the vechicles registration along with the SASE to receive a sticker:


John Malinowski                                       Michael Lane

211 Old Cove Rd                                       3288 Pioneer Rd

Liverpool, NY 13090                                 Lafayette, NY 13084




Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request. Please call 315-427-1162 to use the traphouse.


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year.. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601


WORKDAYS: B&G Chairman Dale Macklen said he will be looking for people to parge the basement walls on the outside of the clubhouse and do some brush cutting around the area this spring. Also, the snowmobilers indicated that we will have roads and trails work to do when the snow clears.


POSTING: If anyone is interested in posting southern tier property please contact Gary Crawford at













TROUT STOCKING: Woodwise is sending some money to the club to help stock the river with trout. Some club members are looking for places we can buy trout to stock.


CLUBHOUSE KITCHEN: Per Dale Macklen, a lot of work went in to cleaning and organizing the kitchen so if you use the kitchen put everything back the way you found it. Thanks.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor vacant

Club Officers: President Dick Palmer 315-882-3295; 1st VP Gary Crawford 315-559-4174, 2nd V.P. Lloyd Perkins; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Justin Maselli


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Darien Brock 315-778-2680, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

















Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized



MARCH 2018

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, April 13th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)

                             Archery Safety course at the clubhouse on April 7th

                                             Club Orientation will be held on June 9th.

                             Annual Trout derby will be June 30th

                             Annual MRC 3-D bow shoot will be July 20, 21, 22

                             Bow Shoot in August on 17th, 18th, 19th

                             Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th


GENERAL MTG: Dave Dano called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Morgan Reynolds sponsor Gary Kastler, Thomas Moore sponsor Stan Shelmidine, William Wuest sponsor Stan Wuest, Paul Nohle sponsor James Cheney, Jill Jeromineck sponsor Brial Walton, Donald Carrol sponsor William Gould, Terry Dopp sponsor Rick Revoir, Nathan Barker sponsor Mike Demko, and Nicholas Lockerbie sponsor Mike Sparacino.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Matthew Faberzak sponsor Bill Demass, Ryan King sponsor Larry Robbins, Gregory Maneeley sponsor Doug Haynes, Eric Martin sponsor Mike Akin, Dennis Parker sponsor Jim Lewis, Sean Sowich sponsor Tom Bronner, Frank Harden sponsor Paul Kirk and Bob Houghmaster sponsor Joe Wasilewski.



Gary Diriwachter has pelvic cancer


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.






BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership:




The Financial Secretary shall maintain all of the financial records in concurrence with the Treasurer, and shall deposit all moneys and valuable assets in the name of and to the credit of the Club in such depositories as may by designated by the Board. The Financial Secretary can nominate Club Member / Members to assist in the financial deposits, the member must be (A) Approved by the board (B) Notify the bonding company of this member to be added to the club policy. The Financial Secretary shall have the duty to examine the budgeted and unbudgeted accounts, all invoices, cash register tapes, vouchers, receipts, or disbursements, retain copies of the same in his or her custody, and approve in writing all payments made by the Treasurer monthly. The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the Financial Affairs Committee and the Membership Committee. The Financial Secretary shall collect all moneys Members owe the Club and issue each Member his or her Membership Card and Member and Guest Badge and shall maintain a current Roster of the Members, and be responsible for answering inquiries from prospective and newly elected Members, produce and deliver applications to prospective Members, deliver completed applications to the Board for action, and deliver maps and Keys to the Club Property to new Members. The roster shall set forth each Member’s name, number, address, phone number age and date of joining, after payment. Further, the Financial Secretary shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Board.


The highlighted change is to make it easier for the financial secretary to make deposits as the bank is in Pulaski and it is not always easy go get to the bank. NOTE: This is the second reading of the change IAW rules in our bylaws.



ANNUAL MRC ELECTIONS: The April meeting will be the annual elections. Here is a list of the people running for office unopposed:


President:                                 Richard Palmer             Treasurer:                 Lori Vezendy

1st Vice President:                   Gary Crawford             Assistant Treasurer:   Bruce Hahn

2nd Vice President:                   Kelly Perkins               Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop

Financial Secretary:                 Rachel Pitkin               Newsletter Editor:     Shawn Allen

Assistant Financial Secretary: Justin Masselli             Assistant Newsletter Editor: Vacant


For the three year BOD positions we have 4 people running for 3 positions: The club will vote for 3 of the following people running for BOD positions:


Larry Yerdon               Bob Vezendy

Frank Hilliker               Darien Brock


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


VENISON DINNER: John Keach and his crew put on a great venison dinner. The stew was very good and the dinner was well attended. A BIG Thanks to John and his crew for this dinner.


35TH ANNUAL ICE FISHING DERBY: The derby was cancelled due to poor ice conditions. The raffle tickets did bring in some money to the club. The chairperson of this committee is talking about moving up the derby to January based on conditions over the last couple of years.





Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request. Please call 315-427-1162 to use the traphouse.


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year.. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601


WORKDAYS: B&G Chairman Dale Macklen said he will be looking for people to parge the basement walls on the outside of the clubhouse and do some brush cutting around the area this spring. Also, the snowmobilers indicated that we would have plenty of roads and trails work to do when the snow clears.


POSTING: If anyone is interested in posting southern tier property please contact Gary Crawford at



Ken Burd asked for members to consider coming to this banquet. Contact Ken at 315-652-7095,


Oswego County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs


Sponsored by the Oswego County Sportsmen’s Foundation

April 14th, 2018

Greenview Country Club
20 Whig Hill Rd West Monroe, NY

Doors Open at 4:30pm
Social Hour: 5:00pm
Dinner: 6:00pm
Presentations: 7:00pm

For additional information or tickets contact Don Fenske at or by phone at 315.806.2223


Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Justin Maselli


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

















Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

February 2018 Newsletter


February 2018

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, March 9th (This is the venison dinner meeting see below).

                             Ice Fishing Derby will be Saturday, Feb 24th (see details below)

                             Archery Safety course at the clubhouse on April 7th

                                             Club Orientation will be held on June 9th.

                             Annual Trout derby will be June 30th

                             Annual MRC 3-D bow shoot will be July 20, 21, 22

                             Bow Shoot in August on 17th, 18th, 19th

                           Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th


GENERAL MTG: Dave Dano called the meeting to order at 8:00pm. NOTE: we did NOT have a quorum of members at the meeting so we could not vote on any new members or policies

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: No quorum so club could not vote on new members

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list:



Jeannie McNett has shingles


James Abare had back surgery


Gary Diriwachter has pelvic cancer


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.



HELP NEEDED: Bill Killam is asking for help selling ads for this summers bow shoot. This event is the biggest money maker we have for the club so any and all help is greatly appreciated. Please call Bill at 315-387-3350 if you can help.




BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership: This is considered the first reading as required by our bylaws for any changes:




The Financial Secretary shall maintain all of the financial records in concurrence with the Treasurer, and shall deposit all moneys and valuable assets in the name of and to the credit of the Club in such depositories as may by designated by the Board. The Financial Secretary can nominate Club Member / Members to assist in the financial deposits, the member must be (A) Approved by the board (B) Notify the bonding company of this member to be added to the club policy. The Financial Secretary shall have the duty to examine the budgeted and unbudgeted accounts, all invoices, cash register tapes, vouchers, receipts, or disbursements, retain copies of the same in his or her custody, and approve in writing all payments made by the Treasurer monthly. The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the Financial Affairs Committee and the Membership Committee. The Financial Secretary shall collect all moneys Members owe the Club and issue each Member his or her Membership Card and Member and Guest Badge and shall maintain a current Roster of the Members, and be responsible for answering inquiries from prospective and newly elected Members, produce and deliver applications to prospective Members, deliver completed applications to the Board for action, and deliver maps and Keys to the Club Property to new Members. The roster shall set forth each Member’s name, number, address, phone number age and date of joining, after payment. Further, the Financial Secretary shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Board.


The highlighted change is to make it easier for the financial secretary to make deposits as the bank is in Pulaski and it is not always easy go get to the bank.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041


VENISON DINNER: The March 9th meeting will be the venison dinner. John Keach is heading up this event. The dinner will be at 6:00 pm with a short meeting following the dinner. John has asked that people bring a dessert to pass and said he could use more stew meat and kitchen help. If you can help please call John at 315-699-3843.


35TH ANNUAL ICE FISHING DERBY: The derby this year will be a one-day event. The derby will be held on Saturday, February 24th and registration will start at 6:00 am at the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s club. All participants must register. Breakfast and lunch will be made available at the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s club. Nate Ellers is chairing this event this year and he said he could use some help. His number is 315-561-1122. Also, please send in all raffle tickets even if you haven’t sold them yet.




Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request. Please call 315-427-1162 to use the traphouse.


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year.. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601


WORKDAYS: B&G Chairman Dale Macklen said he will be looking for people to parge the basement walls in the clubhouse and do some brush cutting around the area this spring.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:


Ken Burd asked for members to consider coming to this banquet.


Oswego County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs


Sponsored by the Oswego County Sportsmen’s Foundation

April 14th, 2018

Greenview Country Club
20 Whig Hill Rd West Monroe, NY

Prime Rib

Champagne Chicken

Macaroni & Cheese

Potatoes w/Parsley Butter

California Mixed Vegetables

Chef Salad

Italian Bread w/Butter

Assorted Desserts


Cash Bar


Doors Open at 4:30pm
Social Hour: 5:00pm
Dinner: 6:00pm
Presentations: 7:00pm


  • Silent Auction
  • 50/50 Drawing
  • Coffee Can Raffles
  • Muzzleloader Raffle
  • Handmade Quilt Raffle
  • Federation Report to its Members
  • Tickets are available from your Federation Representative
    Tickets: Adult $25/person Children 12 and under $12/child
  • Please pre-purchase your ticket in advance to assist with a head count for the Banquet Hall. Limited tickets will also be available at the door.
  • Ticket is REQUIRED for admittance!

For additional information or tickets contact Don Fenske at or by phone at 315.806.2223


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

















Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

December 2017 Newsletter


December 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, January 12th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).

                             Ice Fishing Derby. We have a chairman for this event (Nate Ellers) no date set yet.

                             Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th


GENERAL MTG: This was a small meeting due to Christmas Party.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Matthew Faberzak sponsor Bill Demass, Ryan King sponsor Larry Robbins, Gregory Maneeley sponsor Doug Haynes, Eric Martin sponsor Mike Akin, Dennis Parker sponsor Jim Lewis, Sean Sowich sponsor Tom Bronner, Frank Harden sponsor Paul Kirk and Bob Houghmaster sponsor Joe Wasilewski

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: None reported




Rick Ackel is struggling with cancer.


Doug McNitt’s mother passed away. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


REMINDER: This month will be the last of the hard copy newsletters. Beginning next month the newsletter will appear only on the website.




ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: It’s hard to believe but in a couple of months a new year will start. Please be aware that your annual dues are due by December 1st. and no later than December 31st. If you will have a hardship paying your dues for next year please let the board know in writing so they can discuss the hardship. If your dues are not paid by February 1st and no letter to the board has been written, then you could lose your membership status.


BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership:


4A.     BUDGET


  1. Financial Committee shall present a financial budget to the membership at the September general meeting.


  1. The president has access up to $1500.00 each fiscal year for emergency funding to pay for club business. The Club Officers and Board Members must be notified immediately of the expense.


Motion was made and accepted to pass the Bylaw change as written.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.




Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request. Please call 315-427-1162 to use the traphouse.


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Security: If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888.

Security said we continue to have problems with trespassers. If you identify someone trespassing please get the license plate number or name.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

November 2017 Newsletter


November 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, December 8th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).

                             Due to Christmas party, BOD meeting will be 6:30 Dec. 1st at the clubhouse.

                             Christmas Party: The MRC Annual Christmas party will be Friday, Dec 8th (details below)

                              Ice Fishing Derby. We have a chairman for this event (Nate Ellers) no date set yet.

                             Annual Family Picnic will be July 29th


GENERAL MTG: Meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:07 pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: None reported

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: James Allen II sponsor Randy Corsette, Joesph Geis sponsor Steven Casselbury Jr. , Dan Ralbousky sponsor Dale Macklen, David Wilson sponsor Tim Howell Michael Stone sponsor John Malinowski and Anthony Smith sponsor Greg Maselli.




Rick Ackel is struggling with cancer.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


CHRISTMAS PARTY: Hard to believe but its time for the annual Christmas Party. The party is scheduled for the night of the general meeting, Friday December 8th. I understand the meal will be ham and roast beef and various salads. People are asked to bring a dessert to pass. We will have a cocktail hour between 5 and 6 pm with dinner served at 6 pm. Please bring your own adult beverage and some soft drinks will be provided. Please MAKE RESERVATIONS for this event by December 1st by calling Darien Brock at 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601. Christmas presents will be handed out to kids 12 and under. Please let Darien know age and gender of child when making reservations so appropriate gifts can be purchased.



ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: It’s hard to believe but in a couple of months a new year will start. Please be aware that your annual dues are due by December 1st. and no later than December 31st. If you will have a hardship paying your dues for next year please let the board know in writing so they can discuss the hardship. If your dues are not paid by February 1st and no letter to the board has been written, then you could lose your membership status.


BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership:


4A.     BUDGET


  1. Financial Committee shall present a financial budget to the membership at the September general meeting.


  1. The president has access up to $1500.00 each fiscal year for emergency funding to pay for club business. The Club Officers and Board Members must be notified immediately of the expense.


Motion was made and accepted to pass the Bylaw change as written.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


NOTICE OF LAND OWNER REQUESTS: The landowners are insisting that 4 wheelers use the bridge over Cold Brook (on Glan ave) instead of going through the water. Apparently some people are going full speed through the brook causing some damage. Trucks can pass through the stream because they are going much slower. Also, apparently someone let a DEC officer on the club land. The landowners DO NOT want anyone letting DEC on the property. If you are approached by a DEC officer please contact Dave Dano, Dick Palmer or Gary Crawford and they will contact the landowners.


EDITORIAL: As newsletter editor I am beginning my request to all members to go paperless on the newsletter. I am shooting for January1st, 2018 to stop sending out the newsletter. I would very much like to see everyone use the website. The website contains a lot of club information along with the newsletters. Please note that the newsletters are archived on the website. If we were to go paperless this would save the club approximately $1000.00 a year in postage cost. I understand some people have reservations about using a computer but we need to make an effort to change. Remember the webpage is:





Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.


Trap house: The list of people authorized to use the traphouse has been deleted. Gary Granger has said that because of some new equipment and rules regarding the traphouse, he wants himself or Jim Walker contacted before some one uses the traphouse going forward. The club has invested a considerable amount of money and effort into the trap set up so please respect this request.

Please contact Gary Granger 315-427-1162 or Jim Walker 315-591-8868 for info


The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’


Clubhouse lawn: due to the recent heavy rains, the lawn has been very wet and soft so please avoid driving on the lawn and making ruts.


Security: If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888.

Security said we continue to have problems with trespassers. If you identify someone trespassing please get the license plate number or name.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,























































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

October 2017 Newsletter


October 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, November 10th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).


GENERAL MTG: Meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:01 pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: James Allen II sponsor Randy Corsette, Joesph Geis sponsor Steven Casselbury Jr. , Dan Ralbousky sponsor Dale Macklen, David Wilson sponsor Tim Howell Michael Stone sponsor John Malinowski and Anthony Smith sponsor Greg Maselli.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: John Quinn sponsor Greg Maselli and Joseph Fleming sponsor Bill Demass




Thankfully none to report this month


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


HOT TOPIC FOR THE CLUB: The club voted to keep both the Williamstown property and the Lafayette property.


HUNTING SEASON IS NOW OPEN: Please have a safe and enjoyable hunting season. Remember one member one guest during the hunting season. Please let the board know which property you harvested a deer. It helps us determine which property to keep leasing and what to let go.


ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: Its hard to believe but in a couple of months a new year will start. Please be aware that your annual dues are due by December 1st. and no later than December 31st. If you will have a hardship paying your dues for next year please let the board know in writing so they can discuss the hardship. If your dues are not paid by February 1st and no letter to the board has been written, then you could lose your membership status.


NOTICE: The land owner is logging on the Little Buck Club. They should be done by Nov. 1st


BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership:


4A.     BUDGET


  1. Financial Committee shall present a financial budget to the membership at the September general meeting.


  1. The president has access up to $1500.00 each fiscal year for emergency funding to pay for club business. The Club Officers and Board Members must be notified immediately of the expense.


Motion was made and accepted to pass the Bylaw change as written.


STATUS CHANGE FOR THE NEWSLETTER : A motion was made to make the MRC Newsletter the official publication of the Mad River Club. The motion was approved and voted to approve this motion. This means that for club news and updates, members will need to read the newsletter. As a reminder, the newsletter will go paperless in January. This is being done for monetary purposes and convenience of the membership. As the newsletter editor gets news between meetings, the updates can be posted to the website. So please take a minute to check the website and look at the information there.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


NOTICE OF LAND OWNER REQUESTS: The landowners are insisting that 4 wheelers use the bridge over Cold Brook (on Glan ave) instead of going through the water. Apparently some people are going full speed through the brook causing some damage. Trucks can pass through the stream because they are going much slower. Also, apparently someone let a DEC officer on the club land. The landowners DO NOT want anyone letting DEC on the property. If you are approached by a DEC officer please contact Dave Dano, Dick Palmer or Gary Crawford and they will contact the landowners.


EDITORIAL: As newsletter editor I am beginning my request to all members to go paperless on the newsletter. I am shooting for January1st, 2018 to stop sending out the newsletter. I would very much like to see everyone use the website. The website contains a lot of club information along with the newsletters. Please note that the newsletters are archived on the website. If we were to go paperless this would save the club approximately $1000.00 a year in postage cost. I understand some people have reservations about using a computer but we need to make an effort to change. Remember the webpage is:



Oswego County Federation report: Ken Burd is stepping down from the Federation board. If anyone is interested in becoming part of the Federation board please contact Chuck Parker.






Dale Macklen (Build & ground chair) has sent out the following list of upcoming projects:

There is still some painting to do and fire wood to cut. There remains about 3 cords of wood to stack.


Reminder to all members to contact a committee chairman to set up workdays so you can have them make sure you get credit for the workday. or they can text them to me at 315-437-0430



Trap house: Gary Granger said there are 5 people so far on the trap committee. So far things are moving ahead to start a trap league next year. UPDATE: The voice activation system is up and running. Gary reports that it is running good. Traphouse and trap league updates can be found on the facebook page.


Security : If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888.

Security said we continue to have problems with trespassers. If you identify someone trespassing please get the license plate number or name.


REMINDER: After Labor Day club usage goes back to one member one guest. Hunting season is opening soon so please be aware that people will be out hunting.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Dennis Gardner 315-339-3426

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,














































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized



September 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, October 13th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).


                                             Windmill Project Open House September 20 and 21st. (see info below)

GENERAL MTG: Meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:01 pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: John Quinn sponsor Greg Maselli and Joseph Fleming sponsor Bill Demass

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Len Leclair sponsor Ken Creech, Matt Rockefeller sponsor Stan Shelmidine




John Wilk is still at St. Lukes waiting to go home.


Doug Runions is in early stages of Alzheimer’s.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


HOT TOPIC FOR THE CLUB: The club discussed the possibility of dropping both the Williamstown property and the Lafayette property. The reasons had to do with price of the lease and the hunting value of the land. The Lafayette property has some neighbors that are attempting to put in a race track just to the north of the property. Along with this the landowner has put up some buildings and has fenced off some of the land which makes it somewhat hard to hunt. There were some members at the meeting that felt strongly that the Williamstown property was not worth the price we are paying. So at the October meeting the club will vote on these properties. Please note that a separate mailing is going out to make sure all members are made aware of these potential changes.



BYLAWS CHANGE: The following bylaws change was presented to the membership:


4A.     BUDGET


  1. Financial Committee shall present a financial budget to the membership at the September general meeting.


  1. The president has access up to $1500.00 each fiscal year for emergency funding to pay for club business. The Club Officers and Board Members must be notified immediately of the expense.


Motion was made and accepted to pass the Bylaw change as written.


STATUS CHANGE FOR THE NEWSLETTER : A motion was made to make the MRC Newsletter the official publication of the Mad River Club. The motion was approved and voted to approve this motion. This means that for club news and updates, members will need to read the newsletter. As a reminder, the newsletter will go paperless in January. This is being done for monetary purposes and convenience of the membership. As the newsletter editor gets news between meetings, the updates can be posted to the website. So please take a minute to check the website and look at the information there.


AVANGRID Open House: There will be two open houses to discuss the windmill project. The first one is Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm located at the Lorraine Fire Hall, which is located at 20876 County Route 189

The second open house is Thursday, September 21st, 2017 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm which will is located at the Redfield Fire Hall which is located at 4879 County Route 17.


The clubs future could be impacted by the outcome of this project so we need to have a good MRC membership showing. Thanks


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Budget for 2018: The budget was approved for 2018. The membership will increase from 275 full dues members to 300 full dues members. After some discussion, it was voted and approved to increase the number from 275 to 300 members for a three-year period. After three years the club will decide via member vote to stay at 300 or reduce back to 275. The reduction would be done through normal attrition. The club tends to lose between 20 to 30 members each year so we would not be bringing in new members to maintain the 300 level.


NOTICE OF LAND OWNER REQUESTS: The landowners are insisting that 4 wheelers use the bridge over Cold Brook (on Glan ave) instead of going through the water. Apparently some people are going full speed through the brook causing some damage. Trucks can pass through the stream because they are going much slower. Also, apparently someone let a DEC officer on the club land. The landowners DO NOT want anyone letting DEC on the property. If you are approached by a DEC officer please contact Dave Dano, Dick Palmer or Gary Crawford and they will contact the landowners.


EDITORIAL: As newsletter editor I am beginning my request to all members to go paperless on the newsletter. I am shooting for January1st, 2018 to stop sending out the newsletter. I would very much like to see everyone use the website. The website contains a lot of club information along with the newsletters. Please note that the newsletters are archived on the website. If we were to go paperless this would save the club approximately $1000.00 a year in postage cost. I understand some people have reservations about using a computer but we need to make an effort to change. Remember the webpage is:


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: The drawing is underway for the raffle. Greg Maselli said 999 tickets were sold. Justin Maselli sold 90 tickets and was awarded the $250.00 gift card to Sharpshooters. The winner of the gun is Harry Crowell.

You can call Greg Masselli at 315-952-1624 or email with any questions.


A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS: The members listed below have taken charge of a club event and made them into a successful and fun event. These events take a large amount of time and energy to make happen. I know there are others out there that have contributed to the club on a large scale. If other members know of someone that should be recognized please forward the newsletter editor an email or call and that person will be recognized.


BILL KILLAM: Bill is in charge of the Archery event each year and it seems that the event gets bigger each year. Bill works throughout the year to make this event happen. This year the event brought in over $9000.00 to the club. Bill made it a point to thank all those who helped him make this event happen but without Bill’s dedication this event would not occur.


STEVE CORSETTE: Steve puts on the 4-wheeler event. He cooks the chickens and his helpers get the tables and awnings up to allow us to have quite a party on the club. This takes a considerable amount of work and Steve has made this event one of the best attended events.


GREG MASELLI: Greg has been running the gun raffle. This is a daunting task as it involves getting the guns, getting the lottery tickets ready calling people who win, keeping track of a 1000 tickets and other things. This is a major moneymaker for the club, which helps keep our dues low.


DARIEN BROCK: Darien took on the task of setting up the family picnic this year. We have not had one in several years so this was a great event for the club. It was well attended by over 100 people and the food was outstanding. Everyone seemed to have a great time and went away well fed and happy. Darien is also the Camp For Kids chairman.


JOE IAUCO: Joe has run the Kids Trout Fishing Derby for years. This has been a great opportunity for the kids and their families get together outdoors and enjoy some fishing and good food at the club.


Gary Granger: Gary has stepped up to help organize the traphouse and get a league together. Gary has given out reports each meeting on the status of our traphouse and the requirements we have to join a league. There remains much to do and Gary is moving things along to get us into a league.






Oswego County Federation report: Ken Burd is stepping down from the Federation board. If anyone is interested in becoming part of the Federation board please contact Chuck Parker.







Dale Macklen (Build & ground chair) has sent out the following list of upcoming projects:

There is still some painting to do and fire wood to cut.


Reminder to all members to contact a committee chairman to set up workdays so you can have them make sure you get credit for the workday. or they can text them to me at 315-437-0430



Trap house: Gary Granger said there are 5 people so far on the trap committee. So far things are moving ahead to start a trap league next year. UPDATE: The voice activation system is up and running. Gary reports that it is running good.


Security : If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888.

Security said we continue to have problems with trespassers. If you identify someone trespassing please get the license plate number or name.


REMINDER: After Labor Day club usage goes back to one member one guest. Hunting season is opening soon so please be aware that people will be out hunting.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Dennis Gardner 315-339-3426

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,







































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

August 2017 Newsletter


August 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, September 8th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).


                             Reminder: there is a trapshoot before each meeting so                                    come early and have some fun


                             Annual 4-Wheeler weekend will be August 19th.                                                 Reservations by Aug 11th


                            MRC August Archery Shoot will be August 26 and 27th


                                          Windmill Project Open House September 20 and 21st.                                     (see info below)


GENERAL MTG: Meeting was called to order by Dick Palmer at 8:10 pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Len Leclair sponsor Ken Creech, Matt Rockefeller sponsor Stan Shelmidine

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Matthew Collins sponsor Craig Chesbro, Robert Walczyk Jr. sponsor Harry Perkins, Jason Vickery sponsor Chris Conway, Jonny Boenning sponsor Chris Conway, and Cliff Young sponsor Jack Keach




Dick Brock is back in the hospital again.


John Wilk is in St. Lukes with possible gout. His wife Elizabeth is also in the nursing home.


Doug Runions is also having health issues


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


4 WHEELER WEEKEND: It’s almost that time again when the club has its annual 4-wheeler weekend. Steve Corsette is running this event again and is cooking the chicken. Steve has asked that everyone bring a dish to pass and provide your own beverages. Please have your reservations in by August 11th so Steve can make sure we have enough chicken. Steve said the chicken dinners would be $5.00 a piece. Steve can be reached at phone: 315-623-9429 or email:


AVANGRID Open House: There will be two open houses to discuss the windmill project. The first one is Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm located at the Lorraine Fire Hall, which is located at 20876 County Route 189

The second open house is Thursday, September 21st, 2017 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm which will is located at the Redfield Fire Hall which is located at 4879 County Route 17.


The clubs future could be impacted by the outcome of this project so we need to have a good MRC membership showing. Thanks


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Budget for 2018 Dick Palmer proposed the budget. One major change would be the proposed increase in full dues members from 275 to 300 members. This will be voted on in September.


EDITORIAL: As newsletter editor I am beginning my request to all members to go paperless on the newsletter. I am shooting for January1st, 2018 to stop sending out the newsletter. I would very much like to see everyone use the website. The website contains a lot of club information along with the newsletters. Please note that the newsletters are archived on the website. If we were to go paperless this would save the club approximately $1000.00 a year in postage cost. I understand some people have reservations about using a computer but we need to make an effort to change. Remember the webpage is:


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: The drawing will start September 1st 2017. All members, this is a major fundraiser for the club so we need to have all members participate. Tickets will be available at the June, July, and August meetings. UPDATE: Greg told the members that all tickets are out and the money or unsold tickets need to come back soon so we can keep track of our progress.


You can call Greg Masselli at 315-952-1624 or email to request tickets to be mailed to you if you cannot attend a meeting. Please return all ticket stubs and checks to Greg by August 21st 2017. You can hand them in at a meeting or mail them to Greg at :

Mad River Club

P.O Box 53

Baldwinsville, NY 13027


Members with ticket sales of 30 or more will be entered into an independent drawing at the September meeting for a Savage Axis Scope package with choice of caliber in .270, 22-250, 25-06 or 7mm-08. Along with this, members who sold 30 or more tickets will get credit for their workday. Also, the member who sells the most tickets will receive a $250.00 gift certificate from Sharpshooters. If there is a tie the money will be split.



Oswego County Federation report: A voice vote was taken to have the MRC club support the NYSDEC proposal to increase the hunting day to ½ hour before sunrise and ½ hour after sunset.






Bob Shelmindine needs help posting the Barclay property. Call Bob at 315-846-5054


There are plenty of workday opportunities this year. We need to clear brush back from the main roads, lawn mowing around the clubhouse, Painting and general cleanup. Please contact the appropriate chairman to set up your dates.


Dale Macklen (Build & ground chair) has sent out the following list of upcoming projects:

Painting: Front and rear porches, handicap ramp, shooting benches, and archery tower.

Building behind the garage needs to made weather tight to allow us to store clay targets.

Picnic tables need to be put out in the pavilion and checked for loose parts.



Reminder to all members to contact a committee chairman to set up workdays so you can have them make sure you get credit for the workday. or they can text them to me at 315-437-0430



PLEASE NOTE: Ralph Gregory is stepping down from lawn mowing duties so the club needs someone to take over to keep the grounds looking as good as it does. Please contact someone on the board if you can help with this duty.


Trap house: Gary Granger said there are 5 people so far on the trap committee. So far things are moving ahead to start a trap league next year. UPDATE: The voice activation system is up and running. Gary reports that it is running good.


Security : If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888. Please follow the website as it will be posted when the gates are open for vehicle traffic. May 1st is the target date but we need landowner permission before we open the gates to all traffic.


Hunter safety class: A class is being set up for August 19th. Please check the DEC website for information and homework needed to complete the class.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, , Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Dennis Gardner 315-339-3426

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,







































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

July 2017 Newsletter


JULY 2017

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 315-387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

                             Next Club Meeting: Friday, August 11th (BOD starts at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00).

                             Reminder: there is a trapshoot before each meeting so come early and have some fun

                             Annual MRC Archery Shoot will be July 22 and 23rd

                                            MRC Family Picnic will be July 30th.

                             Roads and Trails workday will be Saturday, August 5th details below

                             Annual 4-Wheeler weekend will be August 19th. Reservations by Aug 11th

                            MRC August Archery Shoot will be August 26 and 27th

GENERAL MTG: Meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:04.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Matthew Collins sponsor Craig Chesbro, Robert Walczyk Jr. sponsor Harry Perkins, Jason Vickery sponsor Chris Conway, Jonny Boenning sponsor Chris Conway, and Cliff Young sponsor Jack Keach

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Robert Jewell sponsor Craig Chesbro, and Richard Fien sponsor Curtis Conklin.




Bob Munski had a hernia operation


Joe Iauco had cataract surgery


Lori Vezendy’s father passed away. The clubs thoughts and prayers go out to Lori’s family.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.






FAMILY PICNIC: Darien Brock has scheduled the Family Picnic for July 29th and 30th. The 29th will be a workday and the 30th will be the picnic. The trap shoot will start at around 8:00 am and go to around 11:00 Then we will have dinner and games afterwards. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Please get your reservations in to Darien Brock before July 15th. Darien is asking that you call in your reservations at the number listed below. Please bring a dessert to pass. Darien is asking for help with manning the trap shoot scheduled for Sunday morning. He also needs help with the cooking. George Lane is helping with games but he could always use some help. ALSO Darien is asking for donations of door prizes or raffle items.

You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Schedule of events: 09:00 to 11:00 will be a trap shoot; Dinner will be around 1:00 pm with the annual awards to be presented at 2:00 pm.


Do to the cancellation of the awards banquet in April; the Annual Awards will presented at the Family Picnic.


4 WHEELER WEEKEND: It’s almost that time again when the club has its annual 4-wheeler weekend. Steve Corsette is running this event again and is cooking the chicken. Steve has asked that everyone bring a dish to pass and provide your own beverages. Please have your reservations in by August 11th so Steve can make sure we have enough chicken. Steve said the chicken dinners will be $5.00 a piece. Steve can be reached at phone: 315-623-9429 or email:


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Budget for 2018 The next year’s budget will be presented at next months meeting. There are some issues with lease lands that will be discussed at this meeting.



EDITORIAL: As newsletter editor I am beginning my request to all members to go paperless on the newsletter. I am shooting for January1st, 2018 to stop sending out the newsletter. I would very much like to see everyone use the website. The website contains a lot of club information along with the newsletters. Please note that the newsletters are archived on the website. If we were to go paperless this would save the club approximately $1000.00 a year in postage cost. I understand some people have reservations about using a computer but we need to make an effort to change. Remember the webpage is:


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: The drawing will start September 1st 2017. All members, this is a major fundraiser for the club so we need to have all members participate. Tickets will be available at the June, July, and August meetings. UPDATE: Greg told the members that all tickets are out and the money or unsold tickets need to come back soon so we can keep track of our progress.


You can call Greg Masselli at 315-952-1624 or email to request tickets to be mailed to you if you cannot attend a meeting. Please return all ticket stubs and checks to Greg by August 21st 2017. You can hand them in at a meeting or mail them to Greg at :

Mad River Club

P.O Box 53

Baldwinsville, NY 13027


Members with ticket sales of 30 or more will be entered into an independent drawing at the September meeting for a Savage Axis Scope package with choice of caliber in .270, 22-250, 25-06 or 7mm-08. Along with this, members who sold 30 or more tickets will get credit for their workday. Also, the member who sells the most tickets will receive a $250.00 gift certificate from Sharpshooters. If there is a tie the money will be split.



Oswego County Federation report: Chuck Parker said there are many items on the table for our representatives to consider. Please check out the Oswego County Federation website to gain information about some of the issues concerning sportsmen/sportswomen. Chuck said the federation is looking for people to become involved in the Federation. They have some openings that need to be filled. Also, Chuck reminded the club the Oswego County Fair is in August and he is looking for volunteers to man the Federation booth. If you want to man the booth please call 315-427-8316.

Charlie had a chance to be on hand to listen to Governor Cuomo speak about sportsman and the affairs of New York state conservation. The governor did say that sportsman are the best conservationist as they spend more time afield then most people. Not many bills affecting our sport have been acted on recently so we as sportsman need to push our legislators to step up and get these bills moving.







Roads and Trails workday scheduled for Saturday, August 5th. Tim Howell will be at the bridge at 09:00 am to make assignments.


Archery workday- Bill Killam needs help getting ready for the archery shoot. Please contact him if you can help. Please call Bill at 387-3350


HATS: Ken Creech is taking orders for hats


Bob Shelmindine needs help posting the Barclay property. Call Bob at 315-846-5054


There are plenty of workday opportunities this year. We need to clear brush back from the main roads, lawn mowing around the clubhouse, Painting and general cleanup. Please contact the appropriate chairman to set up your dates.


Dale Macklen (Build & ground chair) has sent out the following list of upcoming projects:

Painting: Front and rear porches, handicap ramp, shooting benches, and archery tower.

Building behind the garage needs to made weather tight to allow us to store clay targets.

Picnic tables need to be put out in the pavilion and checked for loose parts.



Reminder to all members to contact a committee chairman to set up workdays so you can have them make sure you get credit for the workday. or they can text them to me at 315-437-0430



PLEASE NOTE: Ralph Gregory is stepping down from lawn mowing duties so the club needs someone to take over to keep the grounds looking as good as it does. Please contact someone on the board if you can help with this duty.



Trap house: Gary Granger said there are 5 people so far on the trap committee. So far things are moving ahead to start a trap league next year.


WINDMILL PROJECT: The board presented what came out of the recent meeting with the windmill project. It appears that the town of Redfield has some zoning concerns and these will be addressed through legal means. The project is expected to move forward sometime in 2019 with the construction of the windmills. There are still questions to be answered such as right of way for transmission lines and zoning issues, so nothing is a sure thing yet. But the windmill people have assured the board that they are willing to work with the club so we can both use the property. They do not want to see us lose our lease of the lands. Please follow Facebook for any further updates from the club.


Security : If you want to set up a security workday please contact John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888. Please follow the website as it will be posted when the gates are open for vehicle traffic. May 1st is the target date but we need landowner permission before we open the gates to all traffic.


Archery Raffle: Bill Killam discussed the Archery Raffles. Up for raffle are a nice Matthews’s bow, a custom fishing rod, and a tree stand.


Hunter safety class: A class is being set up for August 19th. Please check the DEC website for information and homework needed to complete the class.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Darien Brock said he has 7 kids set up for this year’s Camp for Kids, but needs people to send in their applications for next year. So far he has 4 kids on the waiting list for 2018. The applications are excepted as first come first served so please get your applications in early. DEC camp for kids applications are posted on the website under “applications”. He has asked that people interested in this great opportunity, fill it out and send it to him. You can call Darien Brock at: 315-778-2680. His address is: 921 Franklin Street, Watertown, NY 13601

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Dick Palmer 882-3295, 2nd V.P. Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Lori Venzendy; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525


Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper, Ken Creech.

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,










































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

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