November 2019 Newsletter
November 2019 Newsletter
To Open the Newsletter click on the following link:
November 2019 Newsletter
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October 2019 Newsletter
October 2019 MRC Newsletter click on the link below:
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September 2019 Newsletter
September 2019 MRC Newsletter click on the link below:
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August 2019 MRC Newsletter
July 2019 Newsletter
June 2019 Newsletter
Making Adjustments to the PDF – Please Disregard
My Apologies
I (Rick) missed a very important point in this newsletter. The Trout Stocking that is being subsidized by Woodwise, is a great benefit to our club. Duane Cole has been very instrumental in making this happen for us. Duane is the Chair of the Trout Stocking Committee. Thank you Duane for making this possible for MRC.
Help Needed This Saturday
Help is needed with the Trout Derby this Saturday! Please call Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193. This event is for our kids. Please come out and lend a hand.
Click on the Following Link:
View Below:
MRC June 2019 Newsletter pdfMay 2019 Newsletter
MAY 2019
P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171
PHONE 315-387-5788
Next Club Meeting: Friday, June 14th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)
Trapshooting begins: Starting on April 28th trapshooting will begin. See below.
Club orientation for new/and old members: Saturday, June 8th
Annual Trout Derby: Saturday, June 29th
Annual MRC Family Picnic/ Awards Banquet: Sunday, July 28th
Annual Bowshoot: August 3rd and 4th
GENERAL MTG: Gary Crawford called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.
ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Craig Constantino sponsor Mark Bishop, Jeff Snyder sponsor William Gould, Clayton Brewer II sponsor Craig Chesbro, James D Colditz Jr. sponsor Jason Bronner, Scott Houppert sponsor Mike Sparacino, David Fancher sponsor Richard Williams, Matt Rogers sponsor Lou McNett, Scott Eipp sponsor Steve Casselbury and Joe Kelly sponsor Stan Wuest.
The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Robert Tessier sponsor Lori Venzendy, Jerry Snyder sponsor Thomas Sparacino, Nicholas Bradt sponsor Mark Bradt, Kyle Hyde sponsor Mark Bradt, Paul Holliday sponsor Larry Yerdon, Nicholas Monaghan sponsor Wendell Rowell, Michail Eisel sponsor Wendell Rowell, Thomas Zehr sponsor Roger Murdee, William Edwards sponsor Roger Murdee, Lynn Steiner sponsor Mike Murdee, Dennis Kriwox sponsor Mike Murdee.
Dick Palmer, our club president has passed away. He served in various positions in the club throughout his membership with the club. Dick was also very active in the American Legion. The club has lost a good president and a good friend. Dick will be surely missed by all.
As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:
Brian Dano at 315-243-1994
Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene
Or: E-mail
Or: E-mail
Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.
CLUB OFFICERS: With the passing of Dick Palmer, the Board of Directors approved the following changes to the club officers:
Club President: Gary Crawford
1st V.P: Kelly Perkins
2nd V.P: Mark Bishop
Financial Secretary: Rachel Pitkin
Assistant Fin. Secretary: Don Smith
Treasurer: Lori Vezendy
Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop (temporarily)
News and Website Editor: Shawn Allen
Chairman of the Board: Tim Howell
GUN LOTTERY: The 2019 Annual Gun Raffle is underway:
This year we will be using Tim’s Guns in Elbridge. Tim’s Guns is located at 1404 NY-5, Elbridge, NY 13060. The drawing begins September 1st of 2019. Please return all ticket stubs with check by August 21st, 2019. Mail to “MAD RIVER CLUB, P.O BOX 778, BALDWINSVILLE, NY, 13027”. Tickets and money can also be turned in at the JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST meetings.
Members with ticket sales of (30) or more will be entered in an independent drawing at the September club meeting for a chance to win a Ruger American Rifle (blued or synthetic stock) in your choice of caliber: (.223, .270, .308, .22-250, .30-06, 7MM-08 or 6.5 Creedmoor) Also, as in past years, members selling 30 or more tickets will receive credit for a workday. The member with the most sales will be awarded a $350.00 gift card to Tim’s Guns. If there is a tie the prize will be split accordingly.
Any unsold tickets can be turned in by the August Bow shoot so they can be sold at the shoot.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Greg Maselli at : email or call 315-952-1624
2019 MRC ANNUAL KIDS TROUT DERBY: This year’s derby will be held on Saturday, June 29th. There is no registration on the day of the event, just go and fish and be back at the clubhouse between 12 and 12:30 for measuring and weigh-in. Lunch and beverages will be provided at the clubhouse. All kids 16 and under will have a prize. Remember, Woodwise has donated money to stock the river this year. Stocking will take place on May 22nd so the chances for fish will be a little better this year. This is a great event for the kids. If you have any questions you can call Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193.
CLUB LAND OPENING: The east and west gates are now open. The south gate remains closed due to wet conditions. Also, the gate off the old state road is closed due a culvert being washed out. Also, the road between Creech and Shelmdine trails is closed to vehicle traffic due to a culvert being washed out. The land owners are contacting Dan Robbins to see about getting this repaired. NOTE ALL OF GLAN AVE IS CLOSED TO ALL VEHICLE TRAFFIC DUE TO WET CONDITIONS.
2019 FAMILY PICNIC: This years family picnic will be held on Sunday, July 28th at the clubhouse. Darien Brock is chairing the event and is looking for help with games, kitchen, trap shoot and setup/cleanup. As in the past there will be a morning trap shoot and then the picnic followed by the awards ceremony. Darien has set up a separate email account so you can RSVP him with your families information; To make reservations please email Darien at: Darien will need to know your name, badge number, and number of adults and children attending. He would also like the ages and gender of the kids attending to set up appropriate games and prizes. Also, please let Darien know how many chickens you will need. If you do not get a reply to your email please call Darien at 315-778-2680
Darien needs all reservations in by July 21st.
Club orientation: The club will hold an orientation day for new and old members to get to know the club better. Lou McNett will we hosting this event. Please meet at the clubhouse by 8:00 am to get started. You can drop off 4 wheelers on camp road 1 and Lou said lunch would be around noon at his camp.
MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.
Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.
Trap house: Gary put out at the meeting that the trapshooting will begin on Sunday, April 28th. It will start at noon and go until 4or 5. Gary said he plans on doing this each Sunday. Please see the Facebook page for further information.
FEDERATION NEWS: Chuck Parker announced the Federation is running a gun raffle. You can contact Chuck to obtain tickets.
NOTICE: The badges for this year are purple with white letters, but have 2018 on them. Please understand that we know this is a mistake and as long as you are wearing your purple badge then you are in compliance. We apologize for the mix up. Also, due to the high cost of postage, we are requesting members come to a meeting to pick up their badges.
WORK DAYS COMING UP: There are many upcoming opportunities to get in a workday for this year. Below are some that were brought up at the meeting:
AND SHE CAN BE CONTACTED AT EMAIL: or call 315-561-2889
All members need to verify workdays with the committee chairperson and note workdays in the log book on the counter.
B&G Chairman:
- sign out front needs work
- ditch work needed to put in a new drain pipe
- picnic tables moved
- lawn mowing will start soon
- clean clubhouse
- front porch repair
- target boards to put up
- pavilion kitchen needs cleaning
Stocking trout:
Duane Cole said he would be stocking trout on May 22nd. He plans on starting by 10:00 am and will be at the Gathering Place before 10. If you are interested in helping you can contact Duane at 315-221-0852
Archery Shoot: Bill Killam is looking for help this year to set up the archery shoot. Please contact Bill if you can help out.
Posting: Please contact Frank Hilliker (315-298-3004) if you are interested in posting the club property. If you want to post the south property then contact Gary Crawford (315-559-4174)
Security Chairman: Mike Lane said to contact to set up times to do security on the club. His number is 315-558-0888
NEW ROADS AND TRAILS CHAIRMAN: Jacob Halsey has taken over as the new roads and trails chairman. Please give him your support this year when we get back on the trails.
DEC CAMP FOR KIDS: Darien Brock reported that 4 kids are scheduled to go to camp this year. He is looking for applications for next year. He has 2 kids signed up for next year. Applications can be found on the website.
CAMPING: Steve Cassellbury said he has two camping sites available on the Worth Property. If you are interested in these campsites please let Steve know.
CLUBHOUSE USAGE: Dale Macklen said to contact him if you would like to use the club for an event. You can call him at 315-387-5365.
Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005, or email, Assistant Newsletter Editor vacant
Club Officers: President Gary Crawford 315-559-4174; 1st VP Kelly Perkins 315-625-4122, 2nd V.P. Mark Bishop 202-272-8546; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop (temp); Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Don Smith
Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 315-298-3004, Larry Yerdon 315-387-5140, Darien Brock 315-778-2680, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.
Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Jacob Halsey,Work Day Kamarie Perkins 315-561-2889 or, Security Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Posting Committee Frank Hilliker 315-298-3004 Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 315-387-5339
Archery Committee: Bill Killam 315-387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162
Website of interest to MRC members;,,,
April 2019 Newsletter
april 2019
P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171
PHONE 315-387-5788
Next Club Meeting: Friday, May 10th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)
Trapshooting begins: Starting on April 28th trapshooting will begin. See below.
Annual Trout Derby: Saturday, June 29th
Annual MRC Family Picnic/ Awards Banquet: Sunday, July 28th
Annual Bowshoot: August 3rd and 4th
GENERAL MTG: Kelly Perkins called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.
ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Robert Tessier sponsor Lori Venzendy, Jerry Snyder sponsor Thomas Sparacino, Nicholas Bradt sponsor Mark Bradt, Kyle Hyde sponsor Mark Bradt, Paul Holliday sponsor Larry Yerdon, Nicholas Monaghan sponsor Wendell Rowell, Michail Eisel sponsor Wendell Rowell, Thomas Zehr sponsor Roger Murdee, William Edwards sponsor Roger Murdee, Lynn Steiner sponsor Mike Murdee, Dennis Kriwox sponsor Mike Murdee.
The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Bruce Boterus sponsor Clifford Young, Michael Patterson sponsor Thomas Sparacino, and Bryan Chazanowski sponsor Rachel Pitkin.
Dick Palmer continues to battle pneumonia and is undergoing further testing.
Lynn Johnson a gold member of the club has passed away. He served with distinction in the Army during the Vietnam War and was an avid hunter and fisherman.
As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:
Brian Dano at 315-243-1994
Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene
Or: E-mail
Or: E-mail
Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.
CLUB ELECTIONS: Elections were held at the April meeting. All positions both board members and club officers ran unopposed. Therefore one vote was cast for all board members and club officers and the membership approved this action. All club officers and board members remain the same.
GUN LOTTERY: It was put out at the meeting that Greg hopes to have tickets available at the May meeting.
VOLUNTEER NEEDED: I am stepping down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in taking over this position please contact me (Shawn Allen) or anyone on the board.
CLUB LAND OPENING: Pending approval from the landowners the club lands may be opening on May 1st. We wait for the landowners to look at the roads to ensure vehicle traffic will not cause further damage before they allow open access. I will receive word from the club president when we can go on the property with our vehicles and will post it on the webpage. You can still park at the gate and walk in.
LAFEYETTE PROPERTY LEASE: I received word that the lease for this property will be signed so club members will be allowed to turkey hunt here in May.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: The club is looking for new members. Our current membership is down and we need to bring in more people to keep the club moving forward.
MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.
Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.
Trap house: Gary put out at the meeting that the trapshooting will begin on Sunday, April 28th. It will start at noon and go until 4or 5. Gary said he plans on doing this each Sunday. Please see the Facebook page for further information.
FEDERATION NEWS: Chuck Parker announced the Federation is running a gun raffle. You can contact Chuck to obtain tickets.
Chuck Parker gave a presentation on the many bills being presented before our lawmakers in Albany. Many of the bills do not help the sportsmen/sportswomen in this state. Chuck made it clear that we as sports people need to contact our representatives to make our voices heard. As an example, the Red Flag bill went through the legislature in about 9 days. It is my opinion that this bill has the potential to be misused by law enforcement. Other bills being presented include the schools in our state removing all shooting sports for the schools. These are just two of the examples that were presented. For further information please see the Federation Website for links and news. The Grassroots Newsletter has some good information regarding what is going on with the DEC regarding hunting and fishing in this state.
NOTICE: The badges for this year are purple with white letters, but have 2018 on them. Please understand that we know this is a mistake and as long as you are wearing your purple badge then you are in compliance. We apologize for the mix up. Also, due to the high cost of postage, we are requesting members come to a meeting to pick up their badges.
WORK DAYS COMING UP: There are many upcoming opportunities to get in a workday for this year. Below are some that were brought up at the meeting:
B&G Chairman:
- sign out front needs work
- ditch work needed to put in a new drain pipe
- picnic tables moved
- lawn mowing will start soon
- clean clubhouse
- front porch repair
Stocking trout:
Duane Cole said he would be stocking trout on May 22nd. He plans on starting by 10:00 am and will be at the Gathering Place before 10. If you are interested in helping you can contact Duane at 315-221-0857
Archery Shoot: Bill Killam is looking for help this year to set up the archery shoot. Please contact Bill if you can help out.
HELP NEEDED: The club needs volunteers to step forward to fill various positions: we need a posting committee chair, nominating committee chair, newsletter editor
NEW ROADS AND TRAILS CHAIRMAN: Jacob Halsey has taken over as the new roads and trails chairman. Please give him your support this year when we get back on the trails.
DEC CAMP FOR KIDS: Darien Brock reported that 4 kids are scheduled to go to camp this year. He is looking for applications for next year. Applications can be found on the website.
CAMPING PERMITS: This years camping permits have been sent out. There are 8 people on the waiting list. If you are not renewing your permit this year please let Steve Casselbury know.
Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor vacant
Club Officers: President Dick Palmer 315-882-3295; 1st VP Gary Crawford 315-559-4174, 2nd V.P. Kelly Perkins; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Justin Maselli
Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Darien Brock 315-778-2680, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.
Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Jacob Halsey,Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339
Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162
Website of interest to MRC members;,,,
March 2019 Newsletter
March 2019
P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171
PHONE 315-387-5788
Next Club Meeting: Friday, April 12th ( BOD mtg at 6:30, general mtg at 8:00)
Federation Dinner: April 6th (details below)
Annual Trout Derby: Saturday, June 29th
Annual MRC Family Picnic/ Awards Banquet: Sunday, July 28th
Annual Bowshoot: August 3rd and 4th
GENERAL MTG: Dick Palmer called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.
ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Bruce Boterus sponsor Clifford Young, Michael Patterson sponsor Thomas Sparacino, and Bryan Chazanowski sponsor Rachel Pitkin.
The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: John Grady sponsor Shawn Allen, Dustin Robinson sponsor Darien Brock, Travis Filson sponsor James Lewis, Aaron Muckey sponsor Walter Butler Scott Houppert sponsor Mike Sparcico
Dick Palmer had pneumonia but is up and going again
Greg Maselli was in the hospital but is home now
Jim Horth passed away. The clubs thoughts and prayers are with the Horth family.
As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:
Brian Dano at 315-243-1994
Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene
Or: E-mail
Or: E-mail
Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.
REMINDER: The April meeting is annual election night. The nominations were closed at the March meeting.
VOLUNTEER NEEDED: I am stepping down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in taking over this position please contact me (Shawn Allen) or anyone on the board.
MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.
DEDICATION TO KEVIN IRWIN: Ken Burd presented a plaque in honor of Kevin Irwin and his many contributions to the snowmobile club and MRC club. Dick Palmer read the comemeration on the plaque to the members. The traphouse was recently dedicated to Kevin Irwin.
Future new members: To help alleviate some of the problems regarding rules violations the BOD’s have decided that after January 1st new members are to come to the board meeting at 7:30 on the night they are to receive their membership. This is to allow the board to explain some of the rules and expectations that come with club membership. This is meant to be a meet and greet with a chance for the new members to ask questions and meet the board.
Trap house:
Trap House: Shooting is done for the year (2018), No shoot before Dec, Jan, Feb, or March meetings. When a schedule for 2019 is available it will be posted here and also on Facebook. Please see ‘The Traphouse’ tap for more info on using the trap house or joining us for scheduled shoots. Impromptu shoots will be announced on Facebook page. Yes, The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’
Gary Granger
Bow hunter courses: Gary Crawford said there would be courses for bow hunting happening in March and April. Please check the DEC webpage for dates and times.
Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people
FEDERATION NEWS: Chuck Parker gave a presentation on the many bills being presented before our law makers in Albany. Many of the bills do not help the sportsmen/sportswomen in this state. Chuck made it clear that we as sports people need to contact our representatives to make our voices heard. As an example, the Red Flag bill went through the legislature in about 9 days. It is my opinion that this bill has the potential to be misused by law enforcement. Other bills being presented include the schools in our state removing all shooting sports for the schools. These are just two of the examples that were presented. For further information please see the Federation Website for links and news. The Grassroots Newsletter has some good information regarding what is going on with the DEC regarding hunting and fishing in this state.
FEDERATION DINNER: Oswego County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs is holding their Annual Banquet on April 6th at Greenview Country Club, 20 Whig Hill Rd., West Monroe, NY. Social hour begins at 4:30pm, with a Prime rib dinner following at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $25.00 per adult, $12.00 per child 12 and under. As usual there will be raffles for a muzzle loader, 50/50, quilt, can drawings and a Silent Auction.
Tickets are available from Ken Burd, contact or call 315-652-7095.
This is a great meal, great time – come join us!
NOTICE: The badges for this year are purple with white letters, but have 2018 on them. Please understand that we know this is a mistake and as long as you are wearing your purple badge then you are in compliance. We apologize for the mix up. Also, due to the high cost of postage, we are requesting members come to a meeting to pick up their badges.
HELP NEEDED: The club needs volunteers to step forward to fill various positions: we need a posting committee chair, nominating committee chair, newsletter editor
NEW ROADS AND TRAILS CHAIRMAN: Jacob Halsey has taken over as the new roads and trails chairman. Please give him your support this year when we get back on the trails.
DEC CAMP FOR KIDS: Darien Brock reported that 4 kids are scheduled to go to camp this year. He is looking for applications for next year. Applications can be found on the website.
Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 315-343-2546, 315-591-3005 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor vacant
Club Officers: President Dick Palmer 315-882-3295; 1st VP Gary Crawford 315-559-4174, 2nd V.P. Lloyd Perkins; Treasurer Lori Venzendy 315-298-5804; Assist Treasurer Bruce Hahn 315-469-9349, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 315-783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Justin Maselli
Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Darien Brock 315-778-2680, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Tim Howell 963-7330, Norm Draper 315-775-7218, Ken Creech 732-431-1631.
Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Dale Macklen 315-387-5365, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Jacob Halsey,Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339
Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350, Traphouse: Gary Granger 315-427-1162
Website of interest to MRC members;,,,