The Traphouse
The Mad River Club Trap Team has a Facebook page! Please look there for up to date news, when we are shooting, and other info on the progress of the Trap Team. Like/follow page and you will be informed of updates as they happen. If you are on Facebook search for ‘Mad River Club Trap Team’
2016 – Kevin Irwin and his small group did a great job getting the traphouse up and running! Many hours were spent in getting our new trap field ready for shooting! Many thanks to all of them!
2017 – Gary Granger has agreed to head the Trap Committee. A few people have worked on lots of improvements to date, rebuilding the scorer’s shack, tuning the trap machine, picking up and delivering birds, getting a voice activated system and setting it up. Laying out the field markers and height check pole. The idea is to get the field ready for league play. I would like to thank everyone else who spent a work day or partial work day helping out. Special thanks to Jim Walker, Dale Macklen, and Tim Howell for going above and beyond.
Shooting before the family picnic was a great success. We also had some Sunday shoots this summer, that were very popular. Lots of new people learning to shoot and score trap!
2018 – Shooting is over for the year. We didn’t get many of the major projects done as I had hoped. I did not have nearly as much free time as I did last year and there was not a lot of interest for workdays. We did have a great season of shooting and actually did take in more money than last year, so that was a success. The family picnic was also a success. We did get some stairs put in by the trap house, Thank You Terry Dopp!!! Special thanks to Jim Walker and Dale Macklen for their help throughout the year. We did get a couple guys signed off to use the equipment.
2019 – Overall a good season with many new and regular shooters and increased revenue. A few more projects/improvements are done. If you know of a way to get more people interested let me know! The Sunday shoots were more popular than Friday shoots. Had a major failure on the trap machine when the main circuit board went bad, Pat trap honored this as a warranty item due to low bird count. This saved us $250 and we were only down a few days! Next year from April to June we will be shooting with Sandy Creek School in the NY High School League! We scheduled extra Sundays in Sept and October so these kids could come and shoot this year and create some buzz at school. There are some really good shooters…looking forward to next year! We will have to break up the Sunday shoots with students shooting first and adults shooting after. Stay tuned to Facebook page for details as we know them.
News and Notes:
No shooting before Nov., Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar meetings. In the spring a shooting schedule will be made up and posted here (and on Facebook Page). If we do have some sort of impromptu shoot, it will be announced on the Facebook page.
Since so many things have changed, please contact Gary Granger 315-427-1162 or Jim Walker 315-591-8868 if you are interested in shooting, joining the trap committee or trap team, or are interested in being trained to use the machine.