
July 2015 Newsletter


july 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday August 14th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Club Orientation Saturday July 18th

             Bow Shoot Friday Night Fish Fry, July 24th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot July 25th, and 26th.

         Roads and Trails Workday August 1st.

         4 Wheeler Weekend and Chicken BBQ will be August 15th.

         One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Mike Akin sponsor Tom Nicholson, Brett Mutter sponsor Kelly Perkins, Zackary Revoir sponsor Jack Mutter.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Joshua Grimshaw sponsor Carl Wood, Bill Rowell sponsor Stan Shelmidine, Jon Rich Jr. sponsor Lou Box, Kevin Arton sponsor Bill Demass, Ronald Blair Sr. sponsor Kelly Perkins and Adam Pawlenko sponsor John Haresign




George Marshall had a heart attack and had some kidney issues. He is back home now.


Jim Lewis’s wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is feeling ill.


May your thoughts and prayers be with these families in their time of loss and sickness.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail



Club Orientation: For new and old members, a club orientation will be held Saturday, July 18th. People are asked to meet at the clubhouse by 9:00am. Lunch will be provided.


GATE LOCKS: After receiving some feedback on the new combination locks, the club has decided to put both the combination lock and key locks on the gate. Some people were having a hard time with the combination locks and it was put out that people were giving out the combination to unauthorized people. (Several kids were found riding on the property and said they had been given the combination). If a club member is found giving out the combination or keys to non-members you could face removal from the club. This is our club and we are responsible for the membership. So for this year you can either use the combination lock or your old gate key to enter the property. Next year new locks will be bought and new keys will be made available.


4-Wheeler Weekend: The 4 wheeler weekend will be held the weekend of August 15th. The cost of ½ chicken will be $4.00. Steve Corsette is chairman of this event and he said dinner would be served at 5:00. Please bring a dish to pass. Also, Steve needs reservations made by August 7th so he can ensure he has enough chicken. You can contact Steve at 315-623-9429 or email


Trout Derby: The derby was a big success. They had 11 kids participate. Most fish award went to Owen Herholtz and largest fish award went to Evan Taylor.


Workday: Set for August 1st. They are planning on working on the Beltway. Meet at the river by 8:00.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Bow Shoot Fish Fry: There will be a fish fry on Friday July 24th from 5-7pm at the club to help support the annual bow shoot. The cost will be $10.00 per dinner.


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: Per Mark Bishop, there are still 500 tickets available for the gun raffle. We need members who want more tickets to contact Mark or Janine Bishop at 315-288-4248.



YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake


A member at the last meeting told of how he stopped a member at the gate who had 15 wheelers with them. We are continuing to see violations of our club rules regarding ATV usage. People are handing out the combos, going around the gates and so on. We will lose our ATV privileges if we don’t stop this behavior. Please, as a club member feel free to challenge one another for membership card.





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.


3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413







Campsites Available: Steve Casselbury (camping chairman) put out that there are several campsites available on the Worth property. If interested please call Steve.


Call for new members: The club is down about 20 members. So if you know of someone interested in joining the club, please have them fill out an application (available on the website) and send it to the club.


Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


Ice Fishing Chairman: Lou Box is stepping down as Ice fishing chairman. If interested in chairing this event please let someone on the board know.              


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Bill Killam is looking for help getting ads in his flyer for the upcoming archery shoot and will need help setting up the shoot.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair) will be needing help moving camp #15 to a new spot. Apparently there is a mess at the old site that needs to be cleaned up.

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: BOW Hunting Course: August 8th 1 day. The club will offer lunch.

Start time 7:30am – finish at 4:30 pm ALL students need to register on line at the DEC web site

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

FOR SALE- 7 wooded acres in Boylston [Oswego County] near the corner of the Wart & Hessel Road. On the snowmobile and ski trails. Excellent hunting with plenty of State land nearby. $10,900 contact Ken Burd @ 315-652-7095

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

















































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

June 2015 Newsletter


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june 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788


                                  CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday July 10th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Kids Trout Fishing Derby June 27th

             Bow Shoot Friday Night Fish Fry, July 24th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot  July 25th, and 26th.

         4 Wheeler Weekend and Chicken BBQ will be August 15th.

         One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:15.


ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Joshua Grimshaw sponsor Carl Wood, Bill Rowell sponsor Stan Shelmidine, Jon Rich Jr. sponsor Lou Box, Kevin Arton sponsor Bill Demass, Ronald Blair Sr. sponsor Kelly Perkins and Adam Pawlenko sponsor John Haresign.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Ronald Skinner sponsor Milton Skinner, Jesse L Cornell sponsor Kent Taber, William Jones sponsor Kent Taber, Brandon Jacobs  sponsor Kevin Irwin, Ernest Ritter sponsor Kevin Irwin, James Johnson sponsor David Gardner, Donald Smith sponsor Scott Ervin, Paul Pretory sponsor Ken Burd, and Curt Tripp sponsor Jim Lewis.





Shawn Allen’s wife has been diagnosed with lymphoma and is undergoing chemo


Kenneth Walker had bypass surgery


Paul Zemotel had knee surgery


Gary Crawfords mother had hernia surgery


Brian Dano had shoulder surgery and will be out of work for several months.


Jim Lewis’s wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer.


May your thoughts and prayers be with these families in their time of loss and sickness.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


GATE LOCKS: After receiving some feedback on the new combination locks, the club has decided to put both the combination lock and key locks on the gate. Some people were having a hard time with the combination locks and it was put out that people were giving out the combination to unauthorized people. (Several kids were found riding on the property and said they had been given the combination). If a club member is found giving out the combination or keys to non-members you could face removal from the club. This is our club and we are responsible for the membership. So for this year you can either use the combination lock or your old gate key to enter the property. Next year new locks will be bought and new keys will be made available.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Trout Derby: The derby will take place on June 27th.  Joseph Iauco is the chairman for this event. I talked to Joe about this event and he encourages everyone to bring out their young outdoor enthusiasts and catch some fish. Joe said people should just go out and fish anywhere in the area and come back to the clubhouse with their catch between 12:00 and 12:30 for measurements. He said prizes will be awarded to all participants and dinner of hotdogs, salad and drinks will be provided by the club. Sounds like a good time for all. Any questions please call Joseph Iauco at 487-7193.


Bow Shoot Fish Fry: There will be a fish fry on Friday July 24th from 5-7pm at the club to help support the annual bow shoot. The cost will be $10.00 per dinner.


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: Per Mark Bishop, the gun raffle will take place in September of this year. He has already contacted Sharpshooters for the guns. Mark said he would have tickets available at the June MRC meeting. If anyone thinks they are going to need extra tickets please contact Mark Bishop at 288-4248.


FAMILY PICNIC: was cancelled due to low interest. Only a few people made reservations.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake


A member at the last meeting told of how he stopped a member at the gate who had 15 wheelers with them. We are continuing to see violations of our club rules regarding ATV usage. People are handing out the combos, going around the gates and so on. We will lose our ATV privileges if we don’t stop this behavior. Please, as a club member feel free to challenge one another for membership card.





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.


 3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report: 

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

                                                                 NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and  Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

http://www Web

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413







Campsites Available: Steve Casselbury (camping chairman)  put out that there are several campsites available on the Worth property. If interested please call Steve.


Call for new members: The club is down about 20 members. So if you know of someone interested in joining the club, please have them fill out an application (available on the website) and send it to the club.


MRC Scholarship: this years MRC scholarship was awarded to Jordan Christian of Sandy Creek. She will be attending school to study fish and wildlife. 


Security Chairman: Kent Taber is stepping down as security chairman. He has held this position for many years. Please let the board know if you are interested in becoming the next security chairman.


Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


Ice Fishing Chairman:  Lou Box is stepping down as Ice fishing chairman. If interested in chairing this event please let someone on the board know.              


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Kent Taber (security chair) said to call him for security details.

Bill Killam is looking for help getting ads in his flyer for the upcoming archery shoot and will need help setting up the shoot.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair) will be needing help moving camp #15 to a new spot. Apparently there is a mess at the old site that needs to be cleaned up.

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Oswego County Fair: If you need to plan for a workday, Chuck Parker is looking for volunteers to man the Federation Booth at the fair. You can contact Chuck Parker at 963-8413 or email at: The fair dates are from July 1st to July 5th.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: BOW Hunting Course: August 8th 1 day. The club will offer lunch.

Start time 7:30am – finish at 4:30 pm ALL students need to register on line at the DEC web site


Lease Lands:  The lumber company will be using the west gate off the Old State Road for logging. Please use caution when in this area. The road will be repaired to allow the big trucks to move timber from this area.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

FOR SALE- 7 wooded acres in Boylston [Oswego County] near the corner of the Wart & Hessel Road. On the snowmobile and ski trails. Excellent hunting with plenty of State land nearby. $10,900 contact Ken Burd @ 315-652-7095

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

  Club Officers: President  Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871,  2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,, 












































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

P. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22

Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized


May 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday June 12th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         MRC Family Picnic will be June 14th.

         Kids Trout Fishing Derby June 27th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot July 25th, and 26th.

         4 Wheeler Weekend and Chicken BBQ will be August 15th.

         One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th



MEETING: The meeting was called to order at 8:05 by Lou McNett for the last time. Lou called the meeting to order and gave a short speech were he thanked all the club members for their support and then passed the gavel to our new president Dave Dano. From the MRC club thank you Lou for your hard work and dedication to the club.



ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Ronald Skinner sponsor Milton Skinner, Jesse L Cornell sponsor Kent Taber, William Jones sponsor Kent Taber, Brandon Jacobs sponsor Kevin Irwin, Ernest Ritter sponsor Kevin Irwin, James Johnson sponsor David Gardner, Donald Smith sponsor Scott Ervin, Paul Pretory sponsor Ken Burd, and Curt Tripp sponsor Jim Lewis.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: John Murphy sponsor Harry Crowell, Neil Copenhaver sponsor Mark Haynes, Brian Walton sponsor Bill Demass, John Stoker sponsor Chris Conway and Joseph Rether sponsor Bill Demass




Mike Dillabough’s mother Marion passed away. She was a long standing member of the Sandy Pond Sportsman Club. The Sandy Pond Sportsman Club will be having a gathering in her memory on May 17. Donations in memory of Marion can be made to the Sandy Pond Sportsman Club.

Brian Dano had shoulder surgery and will be out of work for several months.

Jim Lewis’s wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

May your thoughts and prayers be with these families in their time of loss and sickness.

As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.

Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.

ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: Per Mark Bishop, the gun raffle will take place in September of this year. He has already contacted Sharpshooters for the guns. Mark said he would have tickets available at the June MRC meeting. If anyone thinks they are going to need extra tickets please contact Mark Bishop at 288-4248.


CLUB PROPERTY ACCESS: The gates are open with the exception of the South Gate. The landowners have given permission for access to the property with the exception of the road from the south gate to the old school bus and Military road. Please use good judgment when on the property. As a reminder, the key locks are gone and have been replaced with a combination lock. The combination is on the back of your membership card.

FAMILY PICNIC: The family picnic this year will be June 14th from noon till: The club is supplying hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage and salt potatoes. The chairman is asking that all who come bring a dish to pass. Please make reservations for this event by June 1st. Call Ralph Gregory at 298-5171 or Kevin Irwin at 921-9500.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake




1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.

2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.

4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

                                                                 NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413








Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a work day:

Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Kent Taber (security chair) said to call him for security details.

Ralph Gregory (annual picnic chair) could use some help.

Bill Killam is looking for help getting ads in his flyer for the upcoming archery shoot and will need help setting up the shoot.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair) will be needing help moving camp #15 to a new spot. Apparently there is a mess at the old site that needs to be cleaned up.

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a work day I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Oswego County Fair: If you need to plan for a workday, Chuck Parker is looking for volunteers to man the Federation Booth at the fair. You can contact Chuck Parker at 963-8413 or email at:

Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up. The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website. The MRC Club is looking to send 7 kids next year.

HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.

Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.

Lease Lands: All land leases have been signed and accepted. Note, it was reported that there will be logging going on at the north end of the Fleckinstein property.




Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email: <a href="mailto:kallen2@twcny.rr browse around”>

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

FOR SALE- 7 wooded acres in Boylston [Oswego County] near the corner of the Wart & Hessel Road. On the snowmobile and ski trails. Excellent hunting with plenty of State land nearby. $10,900 contact Ken Burd @ 315-652-7095

2007 14′ deep-v Lund ssv with a 9.9 Mercury motor with low hrs on it, 55bls thrusts Minnkota trolling motor like new, heavy Lund boat sets, rod holders, new fish finder in the box, shore lander trailer, motor holder, 2 anchors with 75′ of line each, two paddles, and a push pole, all in great shape asking $2800.00 please call Brian Dano cell 243-1994 thanks!! Pictures are on the website

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

























































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                          PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized



APRIL 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788


                                  CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday May 8th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         MRC Family Picnic will be June 14th.

         Kids Trout Fishing Derby June 27th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot  July 25th, and 26th.

         4 Wheeler Weekend and Chicken BBQ will be August 15th.

         One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm by Dave Dano


ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: John Murphy sponsor Harry Crowell, Neil Copenhaver sponsor Mark Haynes, Brian Walton sponsor Bill Demass, John Stoker sponsor Chris Conway and Joseph Rether sponsor Bill Demass

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Peter Pelton sponsor Robert Shelmidine




Sherry Ruoff’s mother passed away following hip replacement surgery

Frank Ives wife passed away

Ray Solberg a Gold Member of the club passed away recently


May your thoughts and prayers be with these families in their time of loss.





President                          Dave Dano

1st VP                                Kent Taber                                 News Letter Editor     Shawn Allen

2nd VP                               Dick Palmer                               Assist. News Editor     Todd Brown

Financial Secretary         Rachael Pitkin

Treasurer                         Brendan Hind

Secretary                          Mark Bishop


The above positions and people ran unopposed and a motion to accept these people was made, seconded and approved by the club members to accept these people in their positions as listed.


The vote for 3 year director was as follows:


Gary Crawford 27 votes

Gary Daniels    31 votes

Jeff Moshier     27 votes

Mike Lane        20 votes

As a result of the April voting for 3 year board members, Gary Crawford, Jeff Moshier, and Gary Daniels are the elected 3 year board members.






Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly.  This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

 a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,,  or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY  13041




This years NRA banquet will be held Friday, May 8th. The banquet will start at 5:30 pm. The location is at the Traditions @the Links, 5995 North Burdick Drive, East Syracuse, NY, If you would like tickets please contact James Middleton by sending a letter to 58 County Line Road, Phoenix, NY 13135 or phone (315) 695-3981 or email



MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. You can subscribe right from the webpage, and this will ensure you get all the latest updates. Also, I am looking for any ideas for enhancements to the webpage. For example, is there information you want but don’t find it on the webpage? I am making an attempt to upgrade the page so any help would be appreciated.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: Per Mark Bishop, the gun raffle will take place in September of this year. He has already contacted Sharpshooters for the guns. Mark said he would have tickets available at the June MRC meeting. If anyone thinks they are going to need extra tickets please contact Mark Bishop at 288-4248.


CLUB PROPERTY ACCESS: When I get word from Dave Dano or Kent Taber that the owners have agreed to let people on the property, I will post an UPDATE on the webpage. Until then please stay off the property. Remember, no more keys to locks. The locks are combinations with the combination written on your membership cards.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

 3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report: 

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

                                                                 NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and  Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413




Workdays: As the weather improves and the roads become passable I am sure work days will be needed. As I get word of workdays I will post them in the newsletter and on the webpage


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Oswego County Fair: If you need to plan for a workday, Chuck Parker is looking for volunteers to man the Federation Booth at the fair. You can contact Chuck Parker at 963-8413 or email at:


Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up. The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website. The MRC Club is looking to send 7 kids next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Lease Lands: All land leases have been signed and accepted.


Looking for input: It was suggested that we as a club look into the feasibility of putting in camping sites at the club house property. It was suggested that we have between 3-4 sites with electric and water hookup with a possible dump station located nearby. I am looking for input from club members to see if this is something the members would use and enjoy before we invest any money into this project. Please email me (Shawn Allen, newsletter editor) (email below) with your thoughts. I can use the email as a way to show interest to the board.


Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,300.00.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

  Club Officers: President  Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871,  2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,, 















































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

P. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22

Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

March 2015 Newsletter


MARCH 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday April 10th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Bow Hunter Safety Course March 28th at the clubhouse. Contact Gary Crawford

         MRC Annual Awards Banquet April 11th.

         MRC Family Picnic will be June 14th.

         Kids Trout Fishing Derby June 27th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot July 25th, and 26th.

         4 Wheeler Weekend and Chicken BBQ will be August 15th.

       One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm by Dave Dano

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Peter Pelton sponsor Robert Shelmidine

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: John Mutter sponsor Kelvin Perkins, Jacob Halsey sponsor Lou McNett, Kyle Hill sponsor Larry Yerdon, Alex Pastuf sponsor Charles Dailey.



Perry Fowler is undergoing treatment for cancer

Lou McNett is still sick with respiratory issues

Sherry Ruoffs mother is recovering from hip surgery


CONGRATULATIONS TO CHUCK PARKER on being inducted into the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame:


NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame banquet will be at the Rusty Rail, Canastota, NY April 25 at 4:30pm. For reservations and tickets phone 363-3896 or 829-3588.

Local inductees are Chuck Parker, Bill Wilbur, Bill Lansley and Dave Simmons.



UP FOR MRC ELECTION IN APRIL ( Note Nominations are closed at the March Mtg.)


President                         Dave Dano

1st VP                               Kent Taber                                 News Letter Editor     Shawn Allen

2nd VP                               Dick Palmer                               Assist. News Editor     Todd Brown

Financial Secretary        Rachael Pitkin

Treasurer                        Brendan Hind

Secretary                          Mark Bishop

3 Year Director Position Mike Lane, Gary Daniels, Gary Crawford, and Jeff Mosier


ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET: This years annual awards banquet will be held at the Mad River Club. It will be held the night of, Saturday, April 11th. The banquet will start at 6:00 pm with cocktails, with dinner to follow. This year it will be a prime rib dinner courtesy of the MRC. Ken Burd is chairing this event but the club is looking for volunteers to help host this event. Ken and his wife cannot handle the whole thing so please help if you can. Contact Ken Burd or Dave Dano if you can help.



Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041




This years NRA banquet will be held Friday, May 8th. The banquet will start at 5:30 pm. The location is at the Traditions @the Links, 5995 North Burdick Drive, East Syracuse, NY, If you would like tickets please contact James Middleton by sending a letter to 58 County Line Road, Phoenix, NY 13135 or phone (315) 695-3981 or email



MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. You can subscribe right from the webpage, and this will ensure you get all the latest updates. Also, I am looking for any ideas for enhancements to the webpage. For example, is there information you want but don’t find it on the webpage? I am making an attempt to upgrade the page so any help would be appreciated.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.



YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club. Lou Mcnett and another board member had separate conversations with the owners and they both said that this is a very serious matter.




25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake




1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Lou McNett. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.



Sportsman’s Federation Report:


From the March MRC meeting: the Federation is waiting for ATV/UTV legislation that would allow UTV registration and open up new areas for 4 wheelers. The 2015-2016 New York State Governor’s Budget will be coming out soon.  There are many topics in this budget such as ATV use, funding and staffing for DEC, habitat access, and a young forest initiative that will be of concern and benefit to sportsmen.  To prevent many of these topics from being removed from the budget will require the sportsmen of this state to speak up.  Speaking up will be contacting the legislators in Albany.  Through the MRC website we will issue an alert on issues as they are requested by the NYSCC and others.


Chuck Parker  


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413




Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


NO VECHICLES: As snowmobile season comes to an end and May 1st approaches, I know people will want to get their ATV’s going. Per the landowners, we will need to wait for their permission to ride on the property. They will inspect the roads and trails to make sure we wont make a mess. Please be patient with this process.


Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up . The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website. The MRC Club is looking to send 7 kids next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.



Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,















































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                          PERMIT #22
















































Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

February 2015 Newsletter



P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday March 13th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Bow Hunter Safety Course March 28th at the clubhouse. Contact Gary Crawford

         MRC Annual Awards Banquet April 11th.

         Kids Trout Fishing Derby June 27th

         MRC Annual Bow Shoot July 25th, and 26th.

         One Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00pm.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: John Mutter sponsor Kelvin Perkins, Jacob Halsey sponsor Lou McNett, Kyle Hill sponsor Larry Yeardon, Alex Pastuf sponsor Charles Dailey.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: None


Lou McNett is still dealing with respiratory issues

Sherry Ruoff’s mother fell and broke her hip

Perry Fowler is undergoing cancer treatment


John Pinzer recently passed away. He was a long time member (gold card) and served on the board. He will be missed.


Harry Komrowski passed away. He was one of the members who built the clubhouse. He was an avid sportsman and dearly loved to deer hunt.


Kevin Irwin’s father in law passed away.


Eugene Baczkowski’s son passed away.


Please remember these people and their families in your prayer concerns.






ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET: This years annual awards banquet will be held at the Mad River Club. It will be held the night of April 11th. The food will be supplied by the club. Ken Burd is chairing this event but the club is looking for volunteers to help host this event. Ken and his wife cannot handle the whole thing so please help if you can. Contact Ken Burd or Dave Dano if you can help.

YOU NEED TO MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR THIS EVENT so the club knows how much food to prepare. Contact Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship

The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. You can subscribe right from the webpage, and this will ensure you get all the latest updates. Also, I am looking for any ideas for enhancements to the webpage. For example, is there information you want but don’t find it on the webpage? I am making an attempt to upgrade the page so any help would be appreciated.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.






UP FOR MRC ELECTION IN APRIL ( Note Nominations are closed at the March Mtg.)


President                         Dave Dano                                 Open Board Position Mike Lane

1st VP                               Kent Taber                                News Letter Editor     Shawn Allen

2nd VP                               Dick Palmer                               Assist. News Editor     Todd Brown

Financial Secretary        Rachael Pitkin

Treasurer                         Brendan Hind

Secretary                          Mark Bishop


March Venison Dinner: The venison dinner will be held the night of the March 13th, regular club meeting. The dinner will start at 6:00 pm and the regular meeting will follow the dinner. The dinner committee is looking for venison for the dinner. You can leave donations at the clubhouse in the freezer. We are asking people to bring a dish to pass.


Lease Land fee increase: The northern tier property lease was increased by over $13,000.00 this year. The board will follow up with the new owners to find out why the lease went up by such a significant amount.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:


The Mad River Club’s support of the New York State Conservation Council is greatly appreciated. This year is the second year of the Albany two year legislative cycle. Please look for and support the added initiative in support or opposition of legislation as needed. The NYSCC policies are all formed from the consensus of sportsmen like the MRC.  The supporting voices of the sportsmen helps in the success of achieving our goals.


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”
For more information click here

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413






Old Wheel Horse Tractor: The club recently purchased a new tractor for work around the clubhouse. The old wheel horse tractor is up for bid. I understand it needs lots of work, ie the mower deck is in need of new pulleys , belts,etc. the starter does not work , and various other problems. The club is looking for sealed bids on the old tractor.


Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up . The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website.


JACKETS: Kent Taber showed the club members a couple of jackets you can order. They come embroidered with the club emblem and your name. Cost is between $40-45 and you can contact Kent Taber for orders. The jackets come through Hollowway. The one at the club was a model # 9059 and you should be able to see them on their web site.


FAMILY PICNIC: The club is looking for a volunteer to chair the MRC family picnic this year.



HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website Recommended Site. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,






















































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

January 2015 Newsletter


January 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday February 13th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Ice Fishing Derby will be February 7th. One day derby


MEETING: The meeting was cancelled do to bad weather. Lots of snow.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: No Meeting

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list:



No news from anyone



Dues will be coming out December 1st. The dues payment is due by December 31st. If you are having hardship issues, a hardship letter needs to be submitted to the board in December so the board can review them at the January 9th meeting. If the dues are not paid by December 31st a 10% penalty will be assessed to your dues for each month overdue. After February 1st with no dues payment or hardship letter your membership can be cancelled and the waiting list will be used to fill your spot.


ICE FISHING DERBY: The 34th Annual Ice Fishing Derby will be held February 7th at the Sandy Pond Sportsmen’s club. This is a one day only event hop over to this web-site.

  • Adult and Children’s Division for Perch and Pike Cash Prizes each Division
  • Food Available, Breakfast and Lunch Prepares by SPSA
  • Weigh In: Saturday 7am – 4PM
  • Only Fish Caught On Sandy Pond Will Be Accepted
  • You Must Register Prior To Fishing,
  • Every Child Registered With a Fish Receives a Prize
  • Registration Starts at 6:00 am


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship




The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. You can subscribe right from the webpage, and this will ensure you get all the latest updates. Also, I am looking for any ideas for enhancements to the webpage. For example, is there information you want but don’t find it on the webpage. I am making an attempt to upgrade the page so any help would be appreciated.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.



YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club. Lou Mcnett and another board member had separate conversations with the owners and they both said that this is a very serious matter.




25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake







1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Lou McNett. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.






Sportsman’s Federation Report:


The Mad River Club’s support of the New York State Conservation Council is greatly appreciated. This year is the second year of the Albany two year legislative cycle. Please look for and support the added initiative in support or opposition of legislation as needed. The NYSCC policies are all formed from the consensus of sportsmen like the MRC.  The supporting voices of the sportsmen helps in the success of achieving our goals.


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”
For more information click here

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413




Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up . The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Treasurer: Our current treasurer Sherry Ruoff, said she will be stepping down next year. Sherry has done a great job as treasurer and will be missed. The club will be asking for volunteers to fill her spot so please let the board know if you are interested. A big Thanks To Sherry for her hard work.


Worth Property: The gate now has a red lock and a blue lock. The red lock uses the regular gate key that opens the other gates. The blue lock still uses the designated Worth gate key. This was done to stop the confusion that was happening.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,







































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

December 2014 Newsletter


december 2014

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday January 9th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

         Ice Fishing Derby will be February 7th. One day derby


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Lou McNett at 6:30 followed by a Christmas Dinner.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: None reported

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Richard Kelsey sponsor Tim Hess, and Jeffery Yard sponsor David Wicker



Gene Piasecki is recovering from heart surgery

Dennis Garner’s leukemia is in remission

Dan Kehoe is suffering from an issue with his leg

Dick Brock is recovering from heart surgery

Jim Abare is recovering from heart surgery

Steve Corsette had to have another surgery on his leg

Scott Corsette is battling cancer

Skyler Helling’s niece is suffering from violent seizures and is being treated at Strong Memorial in Rochester



Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. A kind word from a friend is always appreciated when you are sick.


1st ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: Per club rules the board is presenting the following as the first notice for annual dues:

Dues will be coming out December 1st. The dues payment is due by December 31st. If you are having hardship issues, a hardship letter needs to be submitted to the board in December so the board can review them at the January 9th meeting. If the dues are not paid by December 31st a 10% penalty will be assessed to your dues for each month overdue. After February 1st with no dues payment or hardship letter your membership can be cancelled and the waiting list will be used to fill your spot.






ICE FISHING DERBY: The 34th Annual Ice Fishing Derby will be held February 7th at the Sandy Pond Sportsmen’s club. This is a one day only event.



  • Adult and Children’s Division for Perch and Pike Cash Prizes each Division
  • Food Available, Breakfast and Lunch Prepares by SPSA
  • Weigh In: Saturday 7am – 4PM
  • Only Fish Caught On Sandy Pond Will Be Accepted
  • You Must Register Prior To Fishing,
  • Every Child Registered With a Fish Receives a Prize
  • Registration Starts at 6:00 am



YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club. Lou Mcnett and another board member had separate conversations with the owners and they both said that this is a very serious matter.




25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake







1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Lou McNett. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.






Sportsman’s Federation Report:


The Mad River Club’s support of the New York State Conservation Council is greatly appreciated Your Domain Name. This year is the second year of the Albany two year legislative cycle. Please look for and support the added initiative in support or opposition of legislation as needed. The NYSCC policies are all formed from the consensus of sportsmen like the MRC.  The supporting voices of the sportsmen helps in the success of achieving our goals.


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”
For more information click here

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413




Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up . The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Treasurer: Our current treasurer Sherry Ruoff, said she will be stepping down next year. Sherry has done a great job as treasurer and will be missed. The club will be asking for volunteers to fill her spot so please let the board know if you are interested. A big Thanks To Sherry for her hard work.


Worth Property: The gate now has a red lock and a blue lock. The red lock uses the regular gate key that opens the other gates. The blue lock still uses the designated Worth gate key. This was done to stop the confusion that was happening.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,














































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

October Newsletter



P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788


                                  CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday December 12th. This will be the clubs annual Christmas Party

         Christmas Party will held during the regular meeting in December.

          Ice Fishing Derby will be February 7th. One day derby


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Lou McNett at 8:00


ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Richard Kelsey sponsor Tim Hess, and Jeffery Yard sponsor David Wicker

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Charles Jones sponsor Duane Cole, Eric Guenthner sponsor Bill Demass, Jamie Bush sponsor Dan Corsette, and Thomas Licciardello Jr. sponsor Chet Kempton




Steve Corsette is home recovering from leg surgery.

Scott Corsette is recovering from kidney issues and cancer.


Don French passed away in August due to cancer.

Parker Rockwood, a Gold Member, recently passed away


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. A kind word from a friend is always appreciated when you are sick.


1st ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: Per club rules the board is presenting the following as the first notice for annual dues:

Dues will be coming out December 1st. The dues payment is due by December 31st. If you are having hardship issues, a hardship letter needs to be submitted to the board in December so the board can review them at the January 9th meeting. If the dues are not paid by December 31st a 10% penalty will be assessed to your dues for each month overdue. After February 1st with no dues payment or hardship letter your membership can be cancelled and the waiting list will be used to fill your spot.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY:  The MRC annual Christmas Party will held during the regular December club meeting, Dec 12th. The party will start at 5:30 pm with cocktails, followed by dinner being served at 6:30. The dinner will be roast beef, honey glazed ham, and an array of vegetables and desserts. This year there will be NO need to bring a dish to pass. The club is providing everything. Following the dinner, Santa will hand out presents at 7:30. At 8:00 the club will hold a short meeting. A limited amount of adult beverages will be available, and you are welcomed to bring your own. Children’s beverages will be available. Please Call Kent Taber at 387-3871 by December 2nd to make reservations. They will need to know how many adults and children will attend. Also the age of the children will be needed to help Santa pick out age appropriate gifts.


HUNTING SEASON: Its fall and hunting season is upon us. Please remember, the club rule is 1 guest 1 member for hunting season. This includes ATV’s. Please do not run your ATV’s into the woods unless you are retrieving game. Be respectful of other hunters and lets have a SAFE hunting season.


REMOVAL OF SIGNS:  Lou McNett stated that the ATV signs that were put up on Earls Trail were removed by someone. This is a $200.00 dollar loss to the club. The land owners (SRT) stated that if they find out who did this they will not be allowed on SRT property again.




The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club. Lou Mcnett and another board member had separate conversations with the owners and they both said that this is a very serious matter.




25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake







1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Lou McNett. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


WORK DAYS:  NOTE OCT 31st is the last day to get in a workday for 2014

Kent Taber is looking for people to do security on the property.

Bob Shelmindine needs people to post the property.

We would like to hear from people who would like to provide janitor service for the clubhouse as a workday. Call Kevin Irwin or Lou McNett.


Phone numbers of the committee chairman are listed at the bottom of the newsletter.


REMEMBER all workdays need to be recorded in the workday log by the committee chairman. You will not get credit for a workday if you sign the log yourself. If you know of other projects you can contact the associated committee chairman and get the go ahead.



Per letter written to Lou McNett from Salmon River Timberlands, LLC regarding ATV/UTV requirements:




This letter is intended to address the requirements by Salmon River Timberlands, LLC has regarding insurance and registration of passenger vehicles, ATV’s and UTV’s  (side by side ATV’s). In my letter from September 2012, which I’ve attached, it states among other things, that all ATV’s and UTV’s that are operated on property owned by Salmon River Timberlands, LLC, carry registration and insurance.

At this time, New York State does not offer vehicle registration for UTV’s that weigh more than 1000 pounds. It appears that New York will address this at some point, but until UTV registrations are available in New York, we will allow there use on company property without a current registration, as long as they carry the proper, current liability insurance.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:


The Mad River Club’s support of the New York State Conservation Council is greatly appreciated. This year is the second year of the Albany two year legislative cycle. Please look for and support the added initiative in support or opposition of legislation as needed. The NYSCC policies are all formed from the consensus of sportsmen like the MRC.  The supporting voices of the sportsmen helps in the success of achieving our goals.


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and  Marine Resources”

For more information click here

The New York State Register

Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation

Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413


***The club voted to join the coalition AMICUS Brief with SCOPE in support of a lawsuit against the SAFE ACT.  Charlie Parker presented this to the club to have the  MRC join the effort along with other clubs to repeal the SAFE ACT.




Camp for Kids: If you know some children that would like to attend the DEC camp in the Adirondacks please contact Dick Brock to get them signed up . The names need go be in by January. Applications are on the DEC website.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Treasurer: Our current treasurer Sherry Ruoff, said she will be stepping down next year. Sherry has done a great job as treasurer and will be missed. The club will be asking for volunteers to fill her spot so please let the board know if you are interested. A big Thanks To Sherry for her hard work.


Worth Property: The gate now has a red lock and a blue lock. The red lock uses the regular gate key that opens the other gates. The blue lock still uses the designated Worth gate key. This was done to stop the confusion that was happening.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Ken Creech 732-431-1631, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,



































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

P. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22

Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

September 2014 Newsletter



P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday October 10th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Lou McNett at 8:05.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Charles Jones sponsor Duane Cole, Eric Guenthner sponsor Bill Demass, Jamie Bush sponsor Dan Corsette, and Thomas Licciardello Jr. sponsor Chet Kempton.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list:. Rick Mutter sponsor Chris Corsette, Albert Morgan sponsor Richard Kisselstein, and Jonathan Parobeck sponsor Wilfred Ashlan




Steve Corsette is in the hospital with a hip infection

Gary Daniel’s wife had hip replacement surgery

Harry Perkins suffered a heart attack


Larry Perras passed away recently

Gordon Storring’s wife Fran passed away

Frank Hilliker’s sister passed away


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. A kind word from a friend is always appreciated when you are sick.



BYLAWS: The changes to the bylaws that were proposed over the last two meetings have been passed by club vote. As I get the updated bylaws I will post them to the webpage.


2015 BUDGET: The budget for 2015 was presented to the club and was passed by club vote.




Over the next month or two the webpage will be changing. We have hired a website designer and you will start to see the changes. The web address will be the same but the web page will look entirely different. This is being done to update the webpage. Please bear with me as these changes take place.



HUNTING SEASON: Its fall and hunting season is upon us. Please remember, the club rule is 1 guest 1 member for hunting season. This includes ATV’s. Please do not run your ATV’s into the woods unless you are retrieving game. Be respectful of other hunters and lets have a SAFE hunting season.


REMOVAL OF SIGNS: Lou McNett stated that the ATV signs that were put up on Earls Trail were removed by someone. This is a $200.00 dollar loss to the club. The land owners (SRT) stated that if they find out who did this they will not be allowed on SRT property again.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowners displeasure with the club. Lou Mcnett and another board member had separate conversations with the owners and they both said that this is a very serious matter.




25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.

3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Lou McNett. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


At the meeting it was announced that the roads have been repaired and the east gate repaired.



WORK DAYS: NOTE OCT 31st is the last day to get in a workday for 2014


Tim Howell needs people to clear trails on the Williamstown property as well as the Little John area.

Kevin Irwin (B&G chairman) has many projects around the clubhouse

Bob Shelmindine needs people to post the property.

We would like to hear from people who would like to provide janitor service for the clubhouse as a workday. Call Kevin Irwin or Lou McNett.


Phone numbers of the committee chairman are listed at the bottom of the newsletter.


REMEMBER all workdays need to be recorded in the workday log by the committee chairman. You will not get credit for a workday if you sign the log yourself. If you know of other projects you can contact the associated committee chairman and get the go ahead.


Annual Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop is the chairman for the raffle and he stated the raffle would start in September. This year it will be all guns. Mark started handing out tickets at the June meeting. He is asking that all money and ticket stubs be back to him by August 15th. Please contact Mark/Janine Bishop at phone 288-4248 or email for tickets.




Per letter written to Lou McNett from Salmon River Timberlands, LLC regarding ATV/UTV requirements:




This letter is intended to address the requirements by Salmon River Timberlands, LLC has regarding insurance and registration of passenger vehicles, ATV’s and UTV’s (side by side ATV’s). In my letter from September 2012, which I’ve attached, it states among other things, that all ATV’s and UTV’s that are operated on property owned by Salmon River Timberlands, LLC, carry registration and insurance.

At this time, New York State does not offer vehicle registration for UTV’s that weigh more than 1000 pounds. It appears that New York will address this at some point, but until UTV registrations are available in New York, we will allow there use on company property without a current registration, as long as they carry the proper, current liability insurance.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:


The Mad River Club’s support of the New York State Conservation Council is greatly appreciated. This year is the second year of the Albany two year legislative cycle. Please look for and support the added initiative in support or opposition of legislation as needed. The NYSCC policies are all formed from the consensus of sportsmen like the MRC.  The supporting voices of the sportsmen helps in the success of achieving our goals.


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”
For more information click here

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413






Camp for Kids: Applications for next year are on the DEC website. Contact Dick Brock if you have any questions.


Hunter Safety Courses: The DEC website has the hunter safety courses listed.


Club News Updates: As I get club information updates between meetings, please see the club website: for this info. Any questions please send me an email or call. (newsletter editor).

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

FOR SALE: 24ft trailer suitable for camping at the MRC. New rubber roof, bathroom and kitchen facilities. Comfortable for at least two. $800.00. Located south of MRC south gate on Bill Sarie’s property (but is locked) If interested please contact Dennis Gardner at 335-0855.

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $12,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Doug Runion’s has his camp up for sale on Little John Drive. It’s a 5 acre plot with 200 ft of road frontage by 1156 foot deep, with a mobile home on the site. There is electrical service but no well or septic. There is a gravel driveway with a yellow gate across the driveway. He said to call for pricing. His phone number is 315-598-3464.



Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Lou McNett 387-5339; 1st V.P. Dave Dano 625-7331 (Chairman of the Board) ; 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Sherry Ruoff 778-6113; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 232-2290

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, , Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Kent Taber 387-3871

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Ken Creech 732-431-1631, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security Kent Taber 387-3871, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,





































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

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