
June 2016 Newsletter


JUNE 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday July 8th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 and general mtg starts at 8:00)

                            Kids Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

                             Trap shoot will be held at 4:00 pm July 8th before meeting

                             Archery Shoot Fish Dinner: will be held Friday, July 29th from 5-7 pm.

                             MRC 3D Archery Shoot will be the weekend of July 30th. See newsletter for details

                             4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of the 20th of August

                             Archery Shoot (one day event) scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:10.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Lawrence Macner sponsor Patrick Reboer, Michael Miller sponsor Geoffrey Lee, Kimbelee Pieters sponsor Ron McNitt and Matt McDonnell sponsor Mike Lewellyn

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Corey Reid sponsor Melvin Reid, Edward Filonovich sponsor Tom Nicholson, Todd Labar sponsor Tom Nicholson, Jimmy Walker sponsor Danny Robbins, and Keith Reader sponsor Brad Rembough, Justin Maselli sponsor Greg Maselli and Robert Werden sponsor Tim Marshall.





Robert Fetterly had hip issues


Kevin Irwin hurt his back while working on the trap house.


Walter Butler had a stroke in 2015 and is now paralyzed on the right side.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


Kids Trout Fishing Derby: The derby will be held on Saturday June 25th. You can start fishing any time in the morning but be sure you bring your fish back to the clubhouse by noon. The club will provide some food and there will be prizes awarded to the children who participate. If you want more information please contact Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193


ANNUAL 4 WHEELER WEEKEND: This event will be held the weekend of August 20th. This event is an opportunity for everyone to come together, ride ATVs and enjoy the club. Steve Corsette is running this event and will be serving a chicken BBQ at 5:00pm on Camp Road 1. The chicken dinner will cost $5.00 apiece this year and Steve is asking everyone to make reservations before August 10th. Steve is asking everyone to bring a dish to pass and you must supply your own beverage. For reservations please call Steve at 623-9429


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


Recent issues with atvs on the club:

A member recently had 11 4 wheelers on the club with them. As a member you are only allowed 5 machines with you. This is clearly in the rules.


People have torn down the red fencing around the gravel pits and taken down the sign. The gravel pits are off limits for riding per the landowner.


People have given attitude when challenged to provide proof of membership. This should not even be an issue. We all need to show proof and use this as a chance to meet other members.


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.




Gun raffle tickets are available.  We will have them at the July meeting or call us or email for ticket requests.  Tickets will not be forced out to the membership.  Club will have prizes for most tickets sold and we will have an entry for a drawing to win a gun for every member who sells ten tickets.  Members will get an entry for every ten tickets old.  Prizes will be awarded at the October meeting.  Members must be present at the meeting to win.  Also new this year is that members that sell 30 or more tickets will be given a workday.

CONTACT Mark Bishop at 288-4248 or for tickets if you can’t make the July meeting.


Federation Report: The Oswego County Fair will be held from August 10th through the 14th. This is a good chance to get in a workday. Please contact Chuck Parker at (315) 963-8413 if you can help.


DEC Proposes Hunting and Trapping Rule Changes for 2016
Ruanges Result of Public Input from Hunters and Trappers

Public Comments on Deer and Bear Hunting Regulations Accepted Through June 25, Fisher and General Trapping Regulations Through June 10




DEC Announces Comment  Opportunity  For 2016 Amendment To East Banch Of Fish Creek Recreation Management Plan In Lewis County


Air Rifle for big game hunting will not happen this year.

Air Bow, there is no way, presently, to qualify it use at this time so it is only usable for the 7 species which do not have a defined method for harvesting.

A Fisher Plan will again be coming out for review

Blue Ribbon Panel Plan- If it happens, it would make up to 60 million available to NYS DEC. Source of revenue would be from land oil production. It would require 25% matching by the state. (this is a Federal Program)


Kendall Land Access

  • There is 3,000 acres in the Kendall Land.
  • This land to be purchased by the State.
  • Land is located on Tug Hill Town of Redfield and Orwell, in Oswego County, adjacent to state lands
  • These lands have over 3 miles of roads that offer real access to these lands.
  • The NYSCC wants to see these roads to remain open after the land transfer for real access to these lands. ( A sentiment supported by the sportsmen of Oswego County.
  • Rob Davies supports the concept of access subject to
    • Conditions of the roads
    • And ability to maintain.

Annual 3D MRC Archery Shoot: This shoot is a 40-target Modified IBO shoot. The dates are Saturday and Sunday July 30th and 31st. There is a Friday night fish fry on July 29th that starts at 5pm and goes to 7pm. The shoot is open to the public and entry fees range from $20.00 for teens and adults, to $5.00 for cubs. Registration for both days goes from 8 am to 10 am. There will be food, raffles and drawings each day. Also, vendors will be setting up on site. For further information you can contact Bill Killam at (315) 387-3350


A CALL TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE MAD RIVER CLUB: We have several board positions that will be vacated next year. Along with this, several of our annual event chairmen are stepping down such as the annual awards banquet, Christmas dinner, gun raffle and archery shoot. The people doing these jobs now have been doing these jobs for many years and want to take a much-needed break. I have noted over the last several years there have been little or no challenges to board positions or committee chairman during the annual elections. We no longer have an annual MRC picnic because we cannot get anyone to chair it. It is a constant struggle by the board to fill positions on the board to keep this club moving. I know people really enjoy the club and all it has to offer, but the reason it has so much to offer is due to the tireless work of a relatively few people. The club needs its members to step to the plate and help out. Make no mistake; we can lose this club to apathy and a lack of participation. I challenge anyone to find a club that offers so much for so little club dues. So, please take a moment to see where you can help out.


Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage. IF POSSIBLE PLEASE START REFERING TO THE WEBPAGE FOR NEWSLETTERS AND INFORMATION. PEOPLE CONTINUE TO ASK FOR NEWSLETTERS SENT TO THEM. I WOULD LIKE FOR EVERYONE TO AT LEAST TRY THE WEBPAGE. IF WE COULD GET EVERYONE TO USE THE WEBPAGE AND GET RID OF MAILING THE NEWSLETTER WE COULD SAVE THE CLUB ABOUT $1000.00 A YEAR.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Archery Fund Raiser: The ads are out for the support of the Annual Archery shoot. Please use the advertised businesses if possible to help promote continued ad usage. Bill Killam had the raffle prizes on display at the last meeting. They included a new Matthews bow (main raffle) and other prizes such as a custom built fishing rod, outdoor prints, pressure washer, tree stands. Bill Killam needs all the help he can get to make this event successful. This event has become a major moneymaker for the club and is well attended so please let Bill know if you can help. His number is at the bottom of the newsletter.


MRC Trap Club The club had a trap shoot before the last meeting to introduce members to the new trap house and thrower. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Kevin Irwin is running another shoot before the next meeting on July 8th. He will start the shoot at 4:00pm and you can learn how to run the trap machine. The club is asking that you contact a range master to run the machine for you if you have not been trained on the machine. The list of range masters is on our webpage under the title “The Trap house”. The club has spent a lot of money getting this machine and Kevin Irwin has done an outstanding job getting this up and running so please come and enjoy the trap range.




Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


SECURTIY: Starting May 1st members can begin signing up for security posts. Mike Lane put out that if you want to do a security workday then you need to call him or John Malinowski before Thursday of that week to make arrangements. Their numbers are at the bottom of the newsletter. They do not want any last minute calls on Friday nights for security workdays on the weekends. There are new locks on the gates and the new keys have been mailed out.


POSTING : 500 posted signs have been ordered. If you are interested in posting as a workday, please contact Bob Shelmindine. It’s a great way to learn the club. Please be aware that the owners of the land for the Little Buck club will be posting their land with their own posted signs. We will also post the land with our own signs.


MRC Gates: All the gates are open with the exception of the West gate located off the Old State Road. This gate is staying closed due to logging.


Campsite Tree Cutting: If you need a tree cut down around your campsite please contact Dave Dano. Standing trees cannot be cut down by the members. Dave will contact the individual that is allowed to cut trees for the club to get your tree cut down.


Hunter Safety Course Instructors: We are looking for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors. If you are interested please contact Dave Dano at (315) 625-7331

Club usage log: I have the dates for when the clubhouse is being used. I am posting this information on the website under the club usage log. Please see this list when making arrangements for club use. You can call Kevin Irwin at 315- 921-9500 to reserve the clubhouse or pavilion.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:




Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) is looking for people the first week of July to clear trails for the archery shoot

The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016


As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,























































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

May 2016 Newsletter


MAY 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday June 10th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 and general mtg starts at 8:00)

                             Kids Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

                             Archery Shoot Fish Dinner: will be held Friday, July 29th from 5-7 pm.

                             MRC 3D Archery Shoot will be the weekend of July 30th. See newsletter for details

                             4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of the 20th of August

                             Archery Shoot (one day event) scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:04.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Corey Reid sponsor Melvin Reid, Edward Filonovich sponsor Tom Nicholson, Todd Labar sponsor Tom Nicholson, Jimmy Walker sponsor Danny Robbins, and Keith Reader sponsor Brad Rembough.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Robert Genant sponsor Bill Killam, Tobi Montgomery sponsor Bill Gould, Andrew Fults sponsor Tim Ridgeway, Stanley Wuest sponsor Brian Walton, Ben Thomas sponsor Bill Russell, and Larry Thomas sponsor Dave Cleveland, John Kent sponsor Robert Shelmidine, and Nick Leana sponsor James Leana.




Jesse Cornell is having back issues


Richard Robinson is in the hospital with heart problems


Raymond Pappa is having heart problems


Ernie Ritter is battling cancer


Paul Shelmidine has COPD and heart issues


Elizabeth Wilk, wife of John Wilk, has pneumonia


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER: The following are the awards that were handed out at the Annual MRC awards dinner:


STRAIGHT SHOOTER AWARD went to Rachel Pitkin

SPORTSMAN AWARD went to Shawn Allen

FAMILY AWARD went to Kent and Linda Taber

A SPECIAL AWARD was given to Kevin Irwin for his work on the new trap house along with his many hours of work to improve the clubhouse. The trap house will be named after Kevin Irwin.


The club extends congratulations to these winners.


The awards banquet was well attended and we had a good time. The food was outstanding. Many door prizes were handed out as well as many workday awards.



Kids Trout Fishing Derby: The derby will be held on Saturday June 25th. You can start fishing any time in the morning but be sure you bring your fish back to the clubhouse by noon. The club will provide some food and there will be prizes awarded to the children who participate. If you want more information please contact Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193



ANNUAL 4 WHEELER WEEKEND: This event will be held the weekend of August 20th. As in years past it will be held on Camp Road 1 with a chicken dinner, with people bringing dishes to pass. This is a great event for the club. As more information becomes available I will update this message.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.



Annual Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop said the gun raffle would be held the month of September. Mark said he will not mail out tickets unless you call him and request them sent to you. To many are mailed out and not returned. Mark will have tickets available at the June meeting. Mark stated that the preliminary list of guns has been made. Please note, Mark is stepping down as Gun Raffle Chairman after this year so we need someone to step up to take his place. This is a major moneymaker for the club, which helps us keep our dues low.



Federation Report: The Oswego County Fair will be held from August 10th through the 14th. This is a good chance to get in a workday. Please contact Chuck Parker at (315) 963-8413 if you can help.


DEC Proposes Hunting and Trapping Rule Changes for 2016
Ruanges Result of Public Input from Hunters and Trappers

Public Comments on Deer and Bear Hunting Regulations Accepted Through June 25, Fisher and General Trapping Regulations Through June 10




DEC Announces Comment  Opportunity  For 2016 Amendment To East Banch Of Fish Creek Recreation Management Plan In Lewis County


Air Rifle for big game hunting will not happen this year.

Air Bow, there is no way, presently, to qualify it use at this time so it is only usable for the 7 species which do not have a defined method for harvesting.

A Fisher Plan will again be coming out for review

Blue Ribbon Panel Plan- If it happens, it would make up to 60 million available to NYS DEC. Source of revenue would be from land oil production. It would require 25% matching by the state. (this is a Federal Program)


Kendall Land Access

  • There is 3,000 acres in the Kendall Land.
  • This land to be purchased by the State.
  • Land is located on Tug Hill Town of Redfield and Orwell, in Oswego County, adjacent to state lands
  • These lands have over 3 miles of roads that offer real access to these lands.
  • The NYSCC wants to see these roads to remain open after the land transfer for real access to these lands. ( A sentiment supported by the sportsmen of Oswego County.
  • Rob Davies supports the concept of access subject to
    • Conditions of the roads
    • And ability to maintain.

Annual 3D MRC Archery Shoot: This shoot is a 40-target Modified IBO shoot. The dates are Saturday and Sunday July 30th and 31st. There is a Friday night fish fry on July 29th that starts at 5pm and goes to 7pm. The shoot is open to the public and entry fees range from $20.00 for teens and adults, to $5.00 for cubs. Registration for both days goes from 8 am to 10 am. There will be food, raffles and drawings each day. Also, vendors will be setting up on site. For further information you can contact Bill Killam at (315) 387-3350


A CALL TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE MAD RIVER CLUB: We have several board positions that will be vacated next year. Along with this, several of our annual event chairmen are stepping down such as the annual awards banquet, Christmas dinner, gun raffle and archery shoot. The people doing these jobs now have been doing these jobs for many years and want to take a much-needed break. I have noted over the last several years there have been little or no challenges to board positions or committee chairman during the annual elections. We no longer have an annual MRC picnic because we cannot get anyone to chair it. It is a constant struggle by the board to fill positions on the board to keep this club moving. I know people really enjoy the club and all it has to offer, but the reason it has so much to offer is due to the tireless work of a relatively few people. The club needs its members to step to the plate and help out. Make no mistake; we can lose this club to apathy and a lack of participation. I challenge anyone to find a club that offers so much for so little club dues. So, please take a moment to see where you can help out.


Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Archery Fund Raiser: The ads are out for the support of the Annual Archery shoot. Please use the advertised businesses if possible to help promote continued ad usage. Bill Killam had the raffle prizes on display at the last meeting. They included a new Matthews bow (main raffle) and other prizes such as a custom built fishing rod, outdoor prints, pressure washer, tree stands. Bill Killam needs all the help he can get to make this event successful. This event has become a major moneymaker for the club and is well attended so please let Bill know if you can help. His number is at the bottom of the newsletter.


MRC Trap Club: As of the May meeting, Kevin Irwin told the club the trap thrower has been bought and is now mounted in the trap house. Kevin said there are still some adjustments to make and hydraulic connections to make before we can begin using the thrower. Please be aware that you have to be trained on the thrower before you can use it. Damage to the thrower and/or personal injury can result from misuse of the thrower. Once it is up and running, the plan is to train some people to be trap masters so we can use the thrower safely. This investment was made with the intention of setting up an MRC trap club and to have local schools use our range. This is being done to promote the outdoor sports and to give the club another shooting option. If you are interested in helping Kevin Irwin in his work, please give him a call.




Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


SECURTIY: Starting May 1st members can begin signing up for security posts. Mike Lane put out that if you want to do a security workday then you need to call him or John Malinowski before Thursday of that week to make arrangements. Their numbers are at the bottom of the newsletter. They do not want any last minute calls on Friday nights for security workdays on the weekends. There are new locks on the gates and the new keys have been mailed out.


POSTING : 500 posted signs have been ordered. If you are interested in posting as a workday, please contact Bob Shelmindine. It’s a great way to learn the club. Please be aware that the owners of the land for the Little Buck club will be posting their land with their own posted signs. We will also post the land with our own signs.


Free Dues Winner: Bill McBride was this years free dues winner.


MRC Gates: All the gates are open with the exception of the West gate located off the Old State Road. This gate is staying closed due to logging.


Campsite Tree Cutting: If you need a tree cut down around your campsite please contact Dave Dano. Standing trees cannot be cut down by the members. Dave will contact the individual that is allowed to cut trees for the club to get your tree cut down.


Hunter Safety Course Instructors: We are looking for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors. If you are interested please contact Dave Dano at (315) 625-7331


Club usage log: I have the dates for when the clubhouse is being used. I am posting this information on the website under the club usage log. Please see this list when making arrangements for club use. You can call Kevin Irwin at 315- 921-9500 to reserve the clubhouse or pavilion.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:




Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016


As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680 cialis online pharmacy.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,



















































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                          PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

April 2016 Newsletter


APRIL 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday May 13th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 and general mtg starts at 8:00)

                             Friends of the NRA banquet is Friday, April 22. See details in newsletter

                               Kids Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

                             Archery Shoot Fish Dinner: will be held Friday, July 29th from 5-7 pm.

                             MRC 3D Archery Shoot will be the weekend of July 30th. See newsletter for details

                             4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of the 20th of August

                              Archery Shoot (one day event) scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: John Kent sponsor Robert Shelmidine

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Tobi Montgomery sponsor Bill Gould, Andrew Fults sponsor Tim Ridgeway, Stanley Wuest sponsor Brian Walton, Ben Thomas sponsor Bill Russell, and Larry Thomas sponsor Dave Cleveland.




Bob Shelmidine had knee replacement surgery


Gary Diriwachter is battling prostrate cancer


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you.


Chance for a workday: Tim Howell put out at the meeting that a roads and trails workday would be held on May 7th. He is asking for people to meet at the main bridge by 9:00 am. Tim says to bring a chainsaw, as there are a lot of limbs over our trails. If you have any questions please call Tim at 315-963-7330.



ICE Fishing Derby: Only one child showed up but we had a few adults. Overall we were able to make some money due mainly to raffle tickets. The weather and potential for soft ice kept people away.


Kids Trout Fishing Derby: The derby will be held on Saturday June 25th. You can start fishing any time in the morning but be sure you bring your fish back to the clubhouse by noon. The club will provide some food and there will be prizes awarded to the children who participate. If you want more information please contact Joe Iauco at 315-487-7193


MRC Annual Elections: The MRC members voted on the following people for the assigned positions. There were no challengers to the positions so one vote was cast and the members voted to approve all people for their respective positions.



President: Dave Dano                                               3 yr Board of Director Positions:

1st Vice President: Kent Taber                                         Chris Conway

2nd Vice President: Dick Palmer                                     Ralph Gregory

Finaincial Secretary: Rachel Pitkin                                 Bob Shelmindine

Assistant Finacial Secretary: Ron McNitt

Treasurer: Brandon Hines                                         2 yr Board of Director Positions:

Assistant Treasurer: Will Milton                                     Gary Daniels

Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop                                Jeff Moshier

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen                                     Gary Crawford

Assistant Newsletter Editor: Todd Brown

                                                                                   1 yr Board of Director Positions:

Frank Hilliker

Larry Yerdon

Brian Dano



ANNUAL 4 WHEELER WEEKEND: This event will be held the weekend of August 20th. As in years past it will be held on Camp Road 1 with a chicken dinner, with people bringing dishes to pass. This is a great event for the club. As more information becomes available I will update this message.


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


Burd scholarship winner- Jarrett Temple, Minoa NY  Currently a Junior at SUNY – College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse, NY. His Major is Natural Resources Management.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.



MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks for the help.


Annual Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop said the gun raffle would be held the month of September. He will start with tickets in June. As I get updates from Mark I will update this post. ALSO Mark is stepping down as gun raffle chairman after this year. We would like to have a volunteer step forward to run this event. This is a huge money making event for the club and we would like to continue this event.


Federation Report: The Oswego County Fair will be held from August 10th through the 14th. This is a good chance to get in a workday. Please contact Chuck Parker at (315) 963-8413 if you can help.


Guest – Erica Shriner Oswego County Soil and Water- 5000 trees given to K thru 5th grade for planting

High School Envirothon May 5th – Oswego County Federation presents winning team of 5 with a $100.00 each.


Walleye hatchery in Constania met it’s quota of eggs.


34 Students are participating in the DEC Conservation Officers and Forest Rangers school in Pulaski, NY


Lifetime license sales were down 17% last year.


Friends of the NRA Dinner: The 24th Annual Banquet will be held on Friday, April 22 at Traditions at the Links. The Links is located at 5995N. Burdick Drive, East Syracuse, NY. Doors open at 5:30 pm and tickets start at $45.00 . For more ticket information contact: or call (315) 695-3981


Annual 3D MRC Archery Shoot: This shoot is a 40-target Modified IBO shoot. The dates are Saturday and Sunday July 30th and 31st. There is a Friday night fish fry on July 29th that starts at 5pm and goes to 7pm. The shoot is open to the public and entry fees range from $20.00 for teens and adults, to $5.00 for cubs. Registration for both days goes from 8 am to 10 am. There will be food, raffles and drawings each day. Also, vendors will be setting up on site. For further information you can contact Bill Killam at (315) 387-3350


Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Archery Fund Raiser: Bill Kiliam has expressed a need for help selling ad space in the newspaper. He said he needs this help to help raise money for the archery event this summer. This event is a well attended event and brought in a substantial amount of money for the club. Please call Bill Kiliam (number at the bottom of the newsletter) if you can help.


MRC Trap Club: The club has a nice new trap house that was built last year. The club voted to buy a professional grade trap thrower for the club with the intent of starting a trap-shooting league. The club is also looking to sponsor local schools, which are starting trap-shooting leagues. This is a great opportunity for the club to enhance the shooting sports and provide more enjoyment to club members. The club is looking for volunteers to act as a committee to get this all rolling.




Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


SECURTIY: Starting May 1st members can begin signing up for security posts. Mike Lane put out that if you want to do a security workday then you need to call him or John Malinowski before Thursday of that week to make arrangements. Their numbers are at the bottom of the newsletter. They do not want any last minute calls on Friday nights for security workdays.


REMINDER: Absolutely no vehicles are allowed on club property until May 1st. You can park outside the gates and walk in but no vehicles.


Hunter Safety Course Instructors: We are looking for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors. If you are interested please contact Dave Dano at (315) 625-7331


Club usage log: I have the dates for when the clubhouse is being used. I am posting this information on the website under the club usage log. Please see this list when making arrangements for club use. You can call Kevin Irwin at 315- 921-9500 to reserve the clubhouse or pavilion.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:




Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016


As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O cialis online no prescription. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $17.400

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.


Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

March 2016 Newsletter


MARCH 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday April 8th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 and general mtg starts at 8:00)

       A bow course will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday , March 26th.

       Annual MRC Awards banquet will be Saturday, April 9th. See newsletter for details

       Friends of the NRA banquet is Friday, April 22. See details in newsletter

       Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

       Archery Shoot Fish Dinner: will be held Friday, July 29th from 5-7 pm.

       MRC 3D Archery Shoot will be the weekend of July 30th. See newsletter for details

       4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of 20th of August

       Archery Shoot (one day event) scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00.



ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Samuel Monnat sponsor Scott Monnat, Colby Nevills sponsor Bill Gould, Daniel Norton sponsor Craig Norton, Tobi Montgomery sponsor Bill Gould, and Andrew Fults sponsor Tim Ridgeway.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Joe Wasliweski sponsor Rachel Pitkin, Robert Seeley sponsor Joe Iauco, George Muller sponsor Joe Iauco, Matthew Cooper sponsor Mel Reid, Eric Jones sponsor Ken Burd, Joey Arton sponsor Kevin Arton and Timothy Beutel sponsor Paul Shelmindine.



Dorothy Parker had knee replacement surgery. Is home and recovering.

Jack Keach had a kidney operation.

Jeremy Irwin had hand surgery.

Bill Strother had hip surgery

John Malinowski had knee surgery.

As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail

Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you


MRC Annual Awards Banquet: The annual awards banquet will be held Saturday, April 9th at the clubhouse. Cocktail hour starts at 5:00 with dinner being served at 6:00. The dinner will be a pork loin with various salads and desserts. There is no charge for this dinner but members need to make reservations. For reservations, please contact Kent Taber at 315-387-3871. Reservations need to be in by April 4th. Also, if you are looking for a workday, Kent Taber needs help to set up this dinner, which is a good opportunity for a workday.



MRC Annual Elections: The nominations were closed at the end of the March general meeting. The following are the nominations for club positions:

President: Dave Dano                                               3 yr Board of Director Positions:

1st Vice President: Kent Taber                                         Chris Conway

2nd Vice President: Dick Palmer                                     Ralph Gregory

Finaincial Secretary: Rachel Pitkin                                 Bob Shelmindine

Assistant Finacial Secretary: Ron McNitt

Treasurer: Brandon Hines                                         2 yr Board of Director Positions:

Assistant Treasurer: Will Milton                                     Gary Daniels

Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop                                 Jeff Moshier

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen                                     Gary Crawford

Assistant Newsletter Editor: Todd Brown

                                                                                   1 yr Board of Director Positions:

                                                                                           Frank Hilliker

                                                                                            Larry Yerdon

The April meeting will have the club vote on the above named positions and personnel.



ANNUAL 4 WHEELER WEEKEND: This event will be held the weekend of August 20th. As in years past it will be held on Camp Road 1 with a chicken dinner, with people bringing dishes to pass. This is a great event for the club. As more information becomes available I will update this message.




Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship

The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.

The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.

The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.

Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.

All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.

Please complete and return the application to:

Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041



MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks for the help.



Annual Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop said the gun raffle would be held the month of September. He will start with tickets in June. As I get updates from Mark I will update this post. ALSO Mark is stepping down as gun raffle chairman after this year. We would like to have a volunteer step forward to run this event. This is a huge money making event for the club and we would like to continue this event.



Federation Report: The Oswego County Fair will be held from August 10th through the 14th. This is a good chance to get in a workday. Please contact Chuck Parker at (315) 963-8413 if you can help.

The federation is looking for donations of old hunting magazines. They will be used to supply local doctor offices to help promote hunting and fishing. Contact Chuck Parker.

Federation is looking for outdoor pictures. Contact Chuck Parker.

The New York State Conservation Council is looking for new members. You can apply via website Or contact Chuck Parker.

Oswego County Federation Banquet will be held on April 16th at the Thunder Island Park in Fulton. See for further details.



Friends of the NRA Dinner: The 24th Annual Banquet will be held on Friday, April 22 at Traditions at the Links. The Links is located at 5995N. Burdick Drive, East Syracuse, NY. Doors open at 5:30 pm and tickets start at $45.00 . For more ticket information contact: or call (315) 695-3981



Annual 3D MRC Archery Shoot: This shoot is a 40-target Modified IBO shoot. The dates are Saturday and Sunday July 30th and 31st. There is a Friday night fish fry on July 29th that starts at 5pm and goes to 7pm. The shoot is open to the public and entry fees range from $20.00 for teens and adults, to $5.00 for cubs. Registration for both days goes from 8 am to 10 am. There will be food, raffles and drawings each day. Also, vendors will be setting up on site. For further information you can contact Bill Killam at (315) 387-3350



Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.




MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.



Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.



Archery Fund Raiser: Bill Kiliam has expressed a need for help selling ad space in the newspaper. He said he needs this help to help raise money for the archery event this summer. This event is a well attended event and brought in a substantial amount of money for the club. Please call Bill Kiliam (number at the bottom of the newsletter) if you can help.




MRC Trap Club: The club has a nice new trap house that was built last year. The club voted to buy a professional grade trap thrower for the club with the intent of starting a trap-shooting league. The club is also looking to sponsor local schools, which are starting trap-shooting leagues. This is a great opportunity for the club to enhance the shooting sports and provide more enjoyment to club members. The club is looking for volunteers to act as a committee to get this all rolling.






Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.



SECURTIY: Starting May 1st members can begin signing up for security posts. Mike Lane put out that if you want to do a security workday then you need to call him or John Malinowski before Thursday of that week to make arrangements. Their numbers are at the bottom of the newsletter. They do not want any last minute calls on Friday nights for security workdays.



REMINDER: Absolutely no vehicles are allowed on club property until May 1st. You can park outside the gates and walk in but no vehicles.




Bow Ed Class

March 26th MRC Club

Sign up at:

New York Department of Environmental Conservation

Any questions call Gary Crawford at (315) 575-7851



News Letter Editor: I am looking to step down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in this job let me or a board member know.



Damage done to our gates: It was reported that we had locks shot off from the Main Gate and the East gate. Also, somebody rammed the newly rebuilt southern gate and caused damage. This is a reminder of how important it is we carry our badges and challenge people when we are on the land.



Hunter Safety Course Instructors: We are looking for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors. If you are interested please contact Dave Dano at (315) 625-7331



Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:

Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.

The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.



Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.




Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016

As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.



Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.



Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $17,400.00



Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.



Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,




























































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

February 2016 Newsletter


February 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday March 11th. (Dinner starts at 6:00 pm with mtg to follow)

                               Board of Director meeting will be March 4th at 6:30 pm due to venison dinner

                             March Meeting will be the Annual Venison Dinner, see details below.

                             Friends of the NRA dinner coming up in May

                             Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

                             4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of 20th of August

                             Archery Shoot scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: There was no meeting due to bad weather.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: No Meeting

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: No Meeting




Harry Perkins, a past MRC president and life member has passed away.


Funeral Services will be on Monday, February 22, 2016 at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Church, Camillus. Calling hours will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Edward J. Ryan and Son Funeral Home, 3180 Bellevue Ave. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery, Warners, NY.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Northeast Community Hospice of Florida Foundation Department: 4266 Sunbeam Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32257 or to your local hospice.

Condolences may be shared at


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you


Venison Dinner: The annual venison dinner will be the regular meeting on March 11th. Dinner will start at 6:00 pm with a general meeting to follow. Please contact John Keach at 699-3843 if you can donate venison, or provide help. This is a nice opportunity for a workday.



WORKDAY CHAIRMAN: Dick Palmer has stepped down as workday chairman. Dennis Kammers is our new workday chairman. Dennis can be reached at 315-437-0430




Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041


MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks you for the help.


Federation Report: Oswego County had the most hunter safety courses held last year in region 7. The NRA Banquet will be held April 29th. The NWTF will be holding an Ice Fishing Derby in February.


Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


Lease Lands Report: Woodwise informed the club that we will not see any lease payment increases this year. We now have two hard sided camps on the lease land and Woodwise would like to hold off on any more for a short time period. They told the club president they want to see how well the camps are taken care of before they allow more camps to be placed. Apparently Woodwise had a problem with other properties were the previous people just left the camps as is when they stopped leasing the land.


The club is looking at dropping the Tsueda Property in the Cinncinatus area. The lease payment for this property went up 100% last year. Also, the MRC has been offered a 170-acre parcel in the Preble area for lease. The Lease Land Committee will review these proposals and make the necessary motions to the club for vote.


Archery Fund Raiser: Bill Kiliam has expressed a need for help selling ad space in the newspaper. He said he needs this help to help raise money for the archery event this summer. This event is a well attended event and brought in a substantial amount of money for the club. Please call Bill Kiliam (number at the bottom of the newsletter) if you can help.




Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.



Bow Ed Class

March 26th MRC Club

Sign up at:

New York Department of Environmental Conservation


News Letter Editor: I am looking to step down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in this job let me or a board member know.


Damage done to our gates: It was reported that we had locks shot off from the Main Gate and the East gate. Also, somebody rammed the newly rebuilt southern gate and caused damage. This is a reminder of how important it is we carry our badges and challenge people when we are on the land.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:

Kevin Irwin put out that the ADK is coming for its annual meeting. He would like some volunteers to clean up the clubhouse. This is a good chance for an early workday.


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016


As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.


Trap house: The trap house has been rebuilt and looks great. The club will be looking into purchasing a commercial grade trap thrower next year. The club will be looking for volunteers to be a trap master and help run a trap league. Other clubs are hoping we will start up a trapshooting club.

Clubhouse Dumpster: This dumpster is for household garbage only. It should only contain garbage we made at the clubhouse. Someone put a bunch of electronics in the dumpster and Kevin Irwin had to remove these items before we could get the dumpster cleaned. Please do not put garbage from outside the clubhouse into this dumpster.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,


































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

January 2016 Newsletter


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January 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788


                                  CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

        Next Club Meeting: Friday February 12th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

                              ICE Fishing Derby will be February 6th (one day event) details below

                              ANNUAL DUES REQUIRED BY JAN 1st

                              March Meeting will be the Annual Venison Dinner

                              Friends of the NRA dinner coming up in May

                              Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

                               4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of 20th of August

                              Archery Shoot scheduled for August 28th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:10pm.


ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Robert Seeley sponsor Joe Iauco, George Muller sponsor Joe Iauco, Matthew Cooper sponsor Mel Reid, and Eric Jones sponsor Ken Burd, Joey Arton sponsor Kevin Arton, Joe Wasliweski sponsor Rachel Pitkin, and Timothy Beutel sponsor Paul Shelmindine.            

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Curtis Conklin sponsor Eric Guenther, Shawn Fleury sponsor Doug Carr, Brandon Mutter sponsor John Mutter, James English sponsor Kevin Irwin, Anthony Augustino sponsor Cliff Keil, and Robert Genant sponsor Bill Killam, Wendell Rowell sponsor Bill Rowell. 




Stan Holland’s wife, Ida fell and broke her neck

Bob Shelmindine had knee surgery and is home recovering.

Walter Butler had a stroke and is currently at Seneca Hill.

Ernie Ritter is battling cancer: See details about a benefit dinner for Ernie below


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you


Benefit Dinner :  There will be a benefit dinner held at the American Legion Post in Williamstown on Saturday, February 6th for Ernie Ritter. The spaghetti dinner will be held between 4-8 pm with music and raffles and other events to help raise money for Ernie. For further details please call 518-848-5997.


Annual Club Dues: The dues notices are going out. Please be aware the dues are required by January 1st and will be considered late after January 31st. If you have a hardship please submit your request to the MRC Board by January 31st for review. If you have any questions please contact any board member.


ICE FISHING DERBY: This derby will be held on Saturday, February 6th. Registration starts at 6:00 am Saturday morning. The event will be held at the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s Association Clubhouse at Sandy Pond. Every kid that registers and has a fish will receive a prize. Breakfast and lunch will be available.


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly.  This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

 a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,,  or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st  of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY  13041


MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks you for the help.


Disciplinary Action Taken: Two members of the club were voted out of the club based on ATV infractions that occurred last summer. They were asked to come to a board meeting on two separate occasions but did not attend. The board presented the general meeting with the problem and the members were voted out.


Federation Report: Oswego County had the most hunter safety courses held last year in region 7. The NRA Banquet will be held April 29th. The NWTF will be holding an Ice Fishing Derby in February.


Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


 Boy Scouts: The Boy Scouts will be having a weekend stay at the club on February 12th. A club member asked and received permission to bring a Rochester Boy Scout Troop to the club for a weekend sleep over. They will be helping the dog sled competition, which is being held at Winona State Forest that same weekend.


Lease Lands Report: Woodwise informed the club that we will not see any lease payment increases this year. We now have two hard sided camps on the lease land and Woodwise would like to hold off on any more for a short time period. They told the club president they want to see how well the camps are taken care of before they allow more camps to be placed. Apparently Woodwise had a problem with other properties were the previous people just left the camps as is when they stopped leasing the land.


The club is looking at dropping the Tsueda Property in the Cinncinatus area. The lease payment for this property went up 100% last year.  Also, the MRC has been offered a 170-acre parcel in the Preble area for lease. The Lease Land Committee will review these proposals and make the necessary motions to the club for vote.


Archery Fund Raiser: Bill Kiliam has expressed a need for help selling ad space in the newspaper. He said he needs this help to help raise money for the archery event this summer. This event is a well attended event and brought in a substantial amount of money for the club. Please call Bill Kiliam (number at the bottom of the newsletter) if you can help.




Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


News Letter Editor: I am looking to step down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in this job let me or a board member know. 


Damage done to our gates:  It was reported that we had locks shot off from the Main Gate and the East gate. Also, somebody rammed the newly rebuilt southern gate and caused damage. This is a reminder of how important it is we carry our badges and challenge people when we are on the land.


New Assistant Treasurer: William Milton has stepped up to be the new Assistant Treasurer.


DEER TAKE: As the cost of our leases continue to rise, the club is going to have to make some hard decisions on which properties to keep and which ones to let go next year. The Deer Take report will help us make decisions based on property worth a far as hunting success is concerned. The club is not interested in the location of your stand but what property you were on when you got the deer. Please either fill out a deer take report located at the clubhouse or let someone on the board know so we can get a good count. Thanks.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:

Kevin Irwin put out that the ADK is coming for its annual meeting. He would like some volunteers to clean up the clubhouse. This is a good chance for an early workday.


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016


As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.


Trap house: The trap house has been rebuilt and looks great purchase cialis online. The club will be looking into purchasing a commercial grade trap thrower next year. The club will be looking for volunteers to be a trap master and help run a trap league. Other clubs are hoping we will start up a trapshooting club. Please congratulate Kevin Irwin on having the trap house dedicated to him. He regularly puts in over 400 hours a year for workdays. Kevin and two other members did all the work to get the trap house done.


Clubhouse Dumpster:  This dumpster is for household garbage only. It should only contain garbage we made at the clubhouse. Someone put a bunch of electronics in the dumpster and Kevin Irwin had to remove these items before we could get the dumpster cleaned. Please do not put garbage from outside the clubhouse into this dumpster.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

  Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,, 














































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

P. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22

Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

December 2015 Newsletter


December 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788


                                  CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

        Next Club Meeting: Friday January 8th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

                              ICE Fishing Derby will be February 6th (one day event) details below

                              ANNUAL DUES REQUIRED BY JAN 1st


MEETING: The meeting was the Christmas Party and it was a great time.


ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Robert Seeley sponsor Joe Iauco, George Muller sponsor Joe Iauco, Matthew Cooper sponsor Mel Reid, and Eric Jones sponsor Ken Burd.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Curtis Conklin sponsor Eric Guenther, Shawn Fleury sponsor Doug Carr, Brandon Mutter sponsor John Mutter, James English sponsor Kevin Irwin, Anthony Augustino sponsor Cliff Keil, and Robert Genant sponsor Bill Killam, Wendell Rowell sponsor Bill Rowell. 




Francis Adam’s wife Sylvia passed away

Ronald Blair’s son (Stormy) passed away

Stan Holland’s wife, Ida fell and broke her neck

Dick Palmer was in the hospital with chest pains, lucky no heart attack

Bob Shelmindine had knee surgery and is home recovering.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


NOTCE ABOUT ATV’S: The club is aware that members may want to take advantage of this warm weather and get in a last ATV ride on the club. It was put out at the meeting that until the first snow, we can use our ATV’s on the property. But, we as members need to be aware of how wet the trails are. Please stay on the main roads such as Camp 1 and 2 roads, Glan ave and Earls trails. Please stay out of the woods trails as they are very wet and we could tear them up pretty bad if we have excessive traffic. Thanks for your understanding.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY: This event was well attended with over 100 people. Santa made a visit and the kids seemed to really like this. The food was amazing and the party was a major success. The club gives a big thank you to Kent and Linda Taber for putting on this amazing party. Also, I would like to thank Kevin Irwin and his kitchen staff for all there help. There were others that put in many hours to help and we give them a big thank you. This is the type of event that keeps our club strong.  Again, a big thanks to all who made this happen.



Annual Club Dues: The dues notices are going out. Please be aware the dues are required by January 1st and will be considered late after January 31st. If you have a hardship please submit your request to the MRC Board by January 31st for review. If you have any questions please contact any board member.


ICE FISHING DERBY: This derby will be held on Saturday, February 6th. Registration starts at 6:00 am Saturday morning. The event will be held at the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s Association Clubhouse at Sandy Pond. Every kid that registers and has a fish will receive a prize. Breakfast and lunch will be available.


Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship


The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly.  This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.


The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.


The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

 a short essay regarding their choice of profession.


Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,,  or at the address below.


All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st  of the current year.


Please complete and return the application to:


Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY  13041


MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks you for the help.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.






Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


DEER TAKE: As the cost of our leases continue to rise, the club is going to have to make some hard decisions on which properties to keep and which ones to let go next year. The Deer Take report will help us make decisions based on property worth a far as hunting success is concerned. The club is not interested in the location of your stand but what property you were on when you got the deer. Please either fill out a deer take report located at the clubhouse or let someone on the board know so we can get a good count. Thanks.


ATV Course : One of our members is looking into a proposed ATV course for the kids to happen at the club next summer. He is checking into availability of people to do this course and if it will count as a NY State certification for young riders. I will keep the membership informed as I learn more about this course.


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year. Darien said he is looking for 2 more kids to go, but he needs the names by January.



A potentially deadly disease carried by the “kissing bug” has made its way into more than half of the United States. The inch-long triatomine bug is called the “kissing bug” because it has a habit of feeding on blood by biting around the lips and faces of people while they sleep, CNN reported.

It’s not the bite that’s deadly, but rather the bug’s other unfortunate habit of defecating on the bite afterward. Some kissing bugs are infected with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which can be transmitted in the fecal material, and cause the potentially deadly Chagas disease.

Chagas disease most often causes flu-like symptoms like fever, body aches and vomiting. However, 20-30 percent of those infected with the disease can contract chronic conditions, including difficulty breathing, chest pains and sudden death. WECT-TV reports that these symptoms can remain dormant for up to 20 years.

The disease can also be contracted by dogs. It cannot be transmitted human to human, but the Irish Independent reports that it can be contracted if an infected kissing bug defecates on uncooked food which a human then consumes. Chagas is endemic in Latin America, where there are about 8 million cases of the disease. But the infection, and the bugs that carry it, are moving north. They have been as far north as Pennsylvania . For a picture of the bug please go to the MRC website or you can search it on the internet.


Trap house: The trap house has been rebuilt and looks great. The club will be looking into purchasing a commercial grade trap thrower next year. The club will be looking for volunteers to be a trap master and help run a trap league. Other clubs are hoping we will start up a trapshooting club. Please congratulate Kevin Irwin on having the trap house dedicated to him. He regularly puts in over 400 hours a year for workdays. Kevin and two other members did all the work to get the trap house done.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.




Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

  Club Officers: President  Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871,  2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,, 


































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

P. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22

Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

October 2015 Newsletter


October 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday December 11th. (This meeting will be the annual Christmas Party see details below)

                               NO November Meeting due to hunting season

                               MRC Board Meeting will be Dec. 4th at 6:30 pm due to Christmas Party on the 11th

                               Workday Book will be picked up November 1st.

                               ICE Fishing Derby will be February 6th (one day event)

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00pm

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Curtis Conklin sponsor Eric Guenther, Shawn Fleury sponsor Doug Carr, Brandon Mutter sponsor John Mutter, James English sponsor Kevin Irwin, Anthony Augustino sponsor Cliff Keil, and Robert Genant sponsor Bill Killam, Wendell Rowell sponsor Bill Rowell.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Jason Jenkins sponsor Mike Rodenbaugh, Tim Kettenburg sponsor Mike Rodenbaugh, Brad Rombough sponsor Paul Zemotel, Bill Palmer sponsor Pat Meneo, Michael Anderson sponsor Bruce Mitchell, and John Polawski sponsor Bruce Mitchell.




John Keach had sinus operation

Jack Keach had a kidney operation

Scott Barnaskey wife is recovering from her illness

James Horth had stomach surgery and is at Loretto Nursing Home and is not doing well

Harold Zents had gallbladder surgery

Larry Yerdon had gallbladder surgery

Donald Getman’s wife Valerie had an infection in her legs and is home from the hospital


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop reported the gun raffle was a big success and handed out awards to those who sold the most tickets. Mark and his wife did a great job with this event. A big thanks to Mark and Janine.


BYLAWS CHANGES: The following bylaws changes were approved by the membership at the October 2015 meeting


The club has added two new positions. These positions will be paid dues positions.


1st:     Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all duties of the Club Treasurer when called upon by the Club Treasurer, the Club President or the Board of Directors. They will maintain a close working relationship with the Treasurer so as to maintain continuity in the Club Financial affairs in the event of the absence of the Treasurer.


2nd :   Assistant Financial Secretary


The Assistant Financial Secretary shall have the powers of the Financial Secretary and shall be under the direction of the Club Financial Secretary. They shall perform duties of the office when called upon by the Club Financial Secretary, the Club President or the Board of Directors.


Rules and Regulation changes: The rules and regulations were changed to reflect the increases in both yearly dues and campsite dues changes. The membership was presented with the changes of a $25.00 a year dues changes and an increases in camping dues to $100.00 per year campsite and $200.00 per year for hard sided campsite. The membership accepted these changes per votes.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY: The Annual MRC Christmas Party will be Friday, December 11th. Please call Kent and Linda Taber at 387-3871 to make reservations! We would like to have the reservations in by December 1st at the latest. The theme of the party will be a Rockin Country Christmas Party and we will start Happy Hour with scrumptious appetizers at 5:30. The meal will be a delicious homemade pasta meal, complete with salad, greens, freshly baked Italian bread, drinks (Kent said he plans to have some wine but you can bring your own as well), and homemade desserts starting at 6:30. Each table will have a door prize and chocolates to take home as well as a gift for each child you bring to the party. We will need to know how many in your party, the children’s first names and the ages so that we get the right gift for each girl and boy. We consider “children” to be up to age 16- as Santa has informed us. Please feel free to let us know now so we have time to shop. Please leave a message if we are not here. What a great way to celebrate the season of Love.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dick Palmer, workday chairman, said he will picking up the workday book on November 1st. So if you haven’t gotten your workday in yet, then please contact a committee chairman and schedule a workday. Remember, hunting season starts in late October so the workdays will be scarce. ALSO Dick Palmer is stepping down as workday chairman. So the club is looking for a volunteer to take over this spot.


Tuseda Lot: Gutchess Lumber informed the club they would be logging the Tuseda lot. They hope to be done before hunting season but will still be picking up the log piles. A Gutchess Lumber lock was placed on the gate. Per Gary Crawford (MRC Board Member) I put our combo lock on the chain and let the logger know about it. I removed the old MRC combo lock from the chain as well. The logger stated he should be done cutting in a week or 2. He will still be removing the stockpiles after that. He’s only cutting the pines- no hardwood.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake


A member at the last meeting told of how he stopped a member at the gate who had 15 wheelers with them. We are continuing to see violations of our club rules regarding ATV usage. People are handing out the combos, going around the gates and so on. We will lose our ATV privileges if we don’t stop this behavior. Please, as a club member feel free to challenge one another for membership card.





The west gate off of Old State Road will be closed due to logging. The owners hope to have this completed by hunting season but not sure. The road when open will only be open to ATV traffic and no trucks or cars due to road repairs that were completed. As more information becomes available, I will post it on the website .


1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.


3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:

It was reported that there are three new hunter safety instructors in the county. This will help with keeping the hunter safety courses going:


Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413







Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


DEER TAKE: As the cost of our leases continue to rise, the club is going to have to make some hard decisions on which properties to keep and which ones to let go next year. The Deer Take report will help us make decisions based on property worth a far as hunting success is concerned. The club is not interested in the location of your stand but what property you were on when you got the deer. Please either fill out a deer take report located at the clubhouse or let someone on the board know so we can get a good count. Thanks.


ATV Course : One of our members is looking into a proposed ATV course for the kids to happen at the club next summer. He is checking into availability of people to do this course and if it will count as a NY State certification for young riders. I will keep the membership informed as I learn more about this course.


Flickenstein Property: Note from Gary Crawford, I spoke with Larry Fleckenstein yesterday, He asked I pass along that his property may be logged by Gutches this fall – he wasn’t sure if it would be completed by hunting season. He asked that we be careful if the process is happening when members are hunting. Also to take note of the fences he has up and to leave the gates as you find them, IE if open leave open and if closed ensure you close them after you pass through. He will give me notice if the logger contacts him with a date.


Ice Fishing Chairman: Jacob Halsey has stepped forward to be the Ice Fishing Derby Chairman. This will be a one-day event on February 6th at the Sandy Pond Sportsman Club. Please contact Jacob Halsey or Dave Dano if interested in helping


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year. Darien said he is looking for 2 more kids to go, but he needs the names by January.


Trap house: The trap house has been rebuilt and looks great. The club will be looking into purchasing a commercial grade trap thrower next year. The club will be looking for volunteers to be a trap master and help run a trap league. Other clubs are hoping we will start up a trapshooting club. Please congratulate Kevin Irwin on having the trap house dedicated to him. He regularly puts in over 400 hours a year for workdays. Kevin and two other members did all the work to get the trap house done.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,





















































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                            PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

September 2015 Newsletter


September 2015

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday October 9th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

                   Workday Book will be picked up November 1st.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:10. A moment of silence was held in remembrance of the 9/11 attack.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Jason Jenkins sponsor Mike Rodenbaugh, Tim Kettenburg sponsor Mike Rodenbaugh, Brad Rombough sponsor Paul Zemotel, Bill Palmer sponsor Pat Meneo, Michael Anderson sponsor Bruce Mitchell, and John Polawski sponsor Bruce Mitchell.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Arthur Steinbreher sponsor Gaius Fox, Michael Demko sponsor Robert Shelmindine, Rick Revoir sponsor John Mutter, Ed Eldridge sponsor James Leana, Greg Kibe sponsor Rachel Pitkin, Craig Chesbro sponsor Joe Campbell, Norman Draper Jr. sponsor Mike Akin, Christopher Manning sponsor Lou McNett, Justin Chvala sponsor Lou McNett, Patrick Derr sponsor Ralph Gregory Sr., Scott Watson sponsor Ralph Gregory Sr. , Mike Lewellyn sponsor Francis Peake.




Scott Barnaskey’s wife is undergoing testing and he will keep us informed

Harold Zents is in the hospital

It was reported that Larry Yerdon had surgery.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


PROPOSED BLAWS CHANGES: The following bylaws changes were proposed to the board and general meeting. Please read the changes and provide any feedback to the board.


The club would like to add two new positions. These positions will be paid dues positions.


1st:     Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all duties of the Club Treasurer when called upon by the Club Treasurer, the Club President or the Board of Directors. They will maintain a close working relationship with the Treasurer so as to maintain continuity in the Club Financial affairs in the event of the absence of the Treasurer.


2nd :   Assistant Financial Secretary


The Assistant Financial Secretary shall have the powers of the Financial Secretary and shall be under the direction of the Club Financial Secretary. They shall perform duties of the office when called upon by the Club Financial Secretary, the Club President or the Board of Directors.


This is considered the SECOND reading of the bylaws change in accordance with our bylaws.


2016 MRC Budget: The budget was reviewed and accepted by the club members. The major changes were the increases in both the yearly dues and camp dues. The yearly dues went up by $25 and the campsite dues went up 100%. Therefore the yearly dues will now be $325.00 per year plus a workday, and campsite fees will now be $100.00 a year for a campsite, and $200.00 a year for a hard sided camp. These increases were a direct result of the increases in land leases.


Rules and Regulation changes: The rules and regulations were changes to reflect the increases in both yearly dues and campsite dues changes. The membership was presented with the changes of a $25.00 a year dues changes and an increase in camping dues to $100.00 per year campsite and $200.00 per year for hard sided campsite. The membership accepted these changes per votes.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dick Palmer, workday chairman, said he will picking up the workday book on November 1st. So if you haven’t gotten your workday in yet, then please contact a committee chairman and schedule a workday. Remember, hunting season starts in late October so the workdays will be scarce. ALSO Dick Palmer is stepping down as workday chairman. So the club is looking for a volunteer to take over this spot.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake


A member at the last meeting told of how he stopped a member at the gate who had 15 wheelers with them. We are continuing to see violations of our club rules regarding ATV usage. People are handing out the combos, going around the gates and so on. We will lose our ATV privileges if we don’t stop this behavior. Please, as a club member feel free to challenge one another for membership card.





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.


3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413







Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


Flickenstein Property: Note from Gary Crawford, I spoke with Larry Fleckenstein yesterday, He asked I pass along that his property may be logged by Gutches this fall – he wasn’t sure if it would be completed by hunting season. He asked that we be careful if the process is happening when members are hunting. Also to take note of the fences he has up and to leave the gates as you find them. He will give me notice if the logger contacts him with a date.


Fall Hunting Classic:

NYS Conservation Council 2015 Fall Classic, fall hunting, fishing and ice fishing show, free parking at the On Center Parking Garage, admission is low $5.00 bucks. The event is being held at the On Center.


Ice Fishing Chairman: Lou Box is stepping down as Ice fishing chairman. If interested in chairing this event please let someone on the board know.              


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair) will be needing help moving camp #15 to a new spot. Apparently there is a mess at the old site that needs to be cleaned up.

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.



Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,

























































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

August 2015 Newsletter



P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

         Next Club Meeting: Friday September 11th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 followed by regular meeting a 8:00)

                   MRC Budget Meeting Wednesday, August 26th.

                   One-Day Bow Shoot at the MRC Clubhouse, Sunday, August 30th.


MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:15.

ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Arthur Steinbreher sponsor Gaius Fox, Michael Demko sponsor Robert Shelmindine, Norman Draper Jr. sponsor Mike Atkin, Christopher Manning sponsor Lou Box, and Justin Chvala sponsor Lou McNett.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: John Zemotel sponsor Paul Zemotel, Brett Mutter sponsor Kelly Perkins, Zachary Revoir sponsor Jack Mutter, Tom Nicholson sponsor Mike Atkins, Travis Scott sponsor John Haresign, Scott Collar sponsor Ernie Ritter, Brian Rayburn sponsor Eric Guenther, George Manbeck Jr. sponsor Paul Pretory, John Merrill sponsor Ernie Ritter, Dave Boyd sponsor Ernie Ritter, Samuel Graham sponsor Ernie Ritter.



Dave Detlor had a pacemaker installed to help with his health issues

Jim Lewis’s wife is feeling better following treatment for breast cancer

George Marshall had heart surgery and is in rehab.

Harold Dentz is in the hospital

Lee Harvey, president of the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s Club passed away suddenly. Although he was not a member of the MRC, he did help out with many club dinners, and played Santa Claus at several club Christmas Parties.


As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail


PROPOSED BLAWS CHANGES: The following bylaws changes were proposed to the board and general meeting. Please read the changes and provide any feedback to the board.


The club would like to add two new positions. These positions will be paid dues positions.


1st:     Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all duties of the Club Treasurer when called upon by the Club Treasurer, the Club President or the Board of Directors. They will maintain a close working relationship with the Treasurer so as to maintain continuity in the Club Financial affairs in the event of the absence of the Treasurer.


2nd :   Assistant Financial Secretary


The Assistant Financial Secretary shall have the powers of the Financial Secretary and shall be under the direction of the Club Financial Secretary. They shall perform duties of the office when called upon by the Club Financial Secretary, the Club President or the Board of Directors.


This is considered the first reading of the bylaws change in accordance with our bylaws.


Budget Meeting: An MRC budget meeting has been scheduled for August 26th starting at 6:00 pm. All committee chairmen need to present their budgets for next year. The lease land committee is making arrangements to meet with the new landowners to discuss lease fees. If needed, a second budget meeting will be held September 2nd to discuss lease land prices.


Tseuda Property: The lease for this patch of land was raised almost 50% this year. The board and general meeting agreed to keep it for this year but as a club we may have to consider other options for next year. This property is our most expensive lease at 15 dollars an acre. Please forward any comments to the board with regards to this issue.



The DEC has awarded Gary Crawford a Bow Master Instructor certificate which means Gary will be training people that want to become a bow instructor.

Gary a few years ago, joined the instructor ranks to become a Sportsman Education Instructor in gun & bow, so now he deserves to be congratulated on his Master Instructor title in the bow program.



GATE LOCKS: After receiving some feedback on the new combination locks, the club has decided to put both the combination lock and key locks on the gate. Some people were having a hard time with the combination locks and it was put out that people were giving out the combination to unauthorized people. (Several kids were found riding on the property and said they had been given the combination). If a club member is found giving out the combination or keys to non-members you could face removal from the club. This is our club and we are responsible for the membership. So for this year you can either use the combination lock or your old gate key to enter the property. Next year new locks will be bought and new keys will be made available.


MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.


Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.


ANNUAL GUN RAFFLE: We are out of raffle tickets now but need the money and sold tickets and un sold tickets returned ASAP. I would like to get any unsold tickets back by the 20th to redistribute. Please return money or unsold tickets to Mark Bishop.


Archery Shoot: Bill Killam reported that the July bow shoot was a big success. He thanked a large list of helpers and the club gave them an ovation. This is a growing event for the club and it provides some needed income and exposure to our club. Bill has done an outstanding job in getting this event off the ground. Bill reported that they had 118 registered shooters.


August Bow Shoot: There is a Modified IBO Rules bow shoot scheduled for Sunday, August 30th at the club. The times are 8:00am to 4:00pm. Entry fee is $20.00 for adults and $5.00 for cubs. There will be 50/50 drawings, raffles, and food. For more information call Bill Killam at 315-387-3350.



YOUR ATV privileges ARE IN jeopardy


The landowners have expressed a concern that we are abusing our ATV privileges on club property. Apparently people have been using excessive speed, (cutting “rooster” tails on the roads), cutting new trails though the woods, or around large mud holes. People are cutting trails to their tree stands. There are still people driving through the rivers and streams where there is no limestone laid down. Please do not underestimate the landowner’s displeasure with the club.

So our Club Rules as well as the landowner’s rules are as follows:


25mph is the speed limit on the club. DO NOT cut up the road by doing “doughnuts” or making “rooster tails”


No trails to tree stands. Also, loosen tree stand straps at the end of the season or take the stands down.


NO NOT ride through any streams or rivers unless there is limestone laid down for the crossing.


If you can’t ride through a mud hole then turn around and go back. DO NOT GO AROUND THEM.


Bobs trail is closed


I cannot stress enough the importance of using good land stewardship while riding on the MRC lease lands. Riding ATVs on lease lands is a privilege not a right. New signs are going up to help ensure we conform to the landowner’s wishes.


READ AND HEED all new signs. Yours and the clubs ATV privileges are at stake


A member at the last meeting told of how he stopped a member at the gate who had 15 wheelers with them. We are continuing to see violations of our club rules regarding ATV usage. People are handing out the combos, going around the gates and so on. We will lose our ATV privileges if we don’t stop this behavior. Please, as a club member feel free to challenge one another for membership card.





1.) NOTICE: DO NOT cut any standing timber on club property. Even if the tree is dead. You can cut wood that has fallen to the ground but no standing timber. We have had a couple of incidents that have caused the new owners to raise concerns. Please, lets respect the landowners wishes.


2.) From the landowners: DO NOT ride in any gravel pits, or cross streams that do not have either a bridge or the crushed limestone.


3.) Please do not contact the new landowners directly. If you have questions or concerns about our lease lands, please bring them to the club meeting or contact Dave Dano. He will forward the questions to the landowners if he cannot answer them.


4.) Make sure you have ID on you when on club property. Please show your ID when asked and ask for ID. This is our club.


Sportsman’s Federation Report:

Per Chuck Parker, the ATV/UTV Bills did not get passed. WE need to start writing our representatives to let them know they need to represent us.

Suggested emails you can sign up for:

NYS DEC Field Notes

Is an Email Subscription you sign up for that is “Noteworthy News from the NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources”

The New York State Register
Sign up for this service and receive email notifications and receive notifications of proposed and actual rule changes in New York.  It is broke down by subject matter so it is easy to follow activity pertaining Environmental Conservation
Click Here

Questions or need more information contact Chuck Parker at or 963-8413







Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.


Ice Fishing Chairman: Lou Box is stepping down as Ice fishing chairman. If interested in chairing this event please let someone on the board know.              


Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:


Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Bill Killam is looking for help getting ads in his flyer for the upcoming archery shoot and will need help setting up the shoot.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair) will be needing help moving camp #15 to a new spot. Apparently there is a mess at the old site that needs to be cleaned up.

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter


The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.


Hard sided camp The first hard sided camp has been approved by the board and new landowners since the camping policy allowing hard sided camps was approved. This is the first hard sided camp in many years to be placed on the club.


Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.


Camp for Kids: The new chairman for Camp for kids is Darien Brock. He has asked that people interested in sending a kid to camp to please call him at 315-778-2680. The youth camp age limit is now 11 to 13 years old and Teen Ecology Camp is 14 to 17 years old. If interested please call Darien and get on the waiting list for next year.


HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTORS : Dave Dano asked for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors during the upcoming year. There is a real need for new instructors as the hunter safety courses are filling fast and there are not enough instructors.

Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.

Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $19,000.00.

FOR SALE- 7 wooded acres in Boylston [Oswego County] near the corner of the Wart & Hessel Road. On the snowmobile and ski trails. Excellent hunting with plenty of State land nearby. $10,900 contact Ken Burd @ 315-652-7095

Polaris Sporstman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 677-5332

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dick Palmer 882-3295, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,
































































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22
Categories: Newsletter, Uncategorized

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