Printable version: mrc vote
There will also be a NEW key for 2025!
The current waitlist is 6+ years long, please let the people you are sponsoring know. Applications can be filled out online under the Membership Tab or can be printed under the same tab by clicking on the underlined Application. Interested in getting involved?
The Mad River Club offers quality hunting, fishing, and trapping opportunities to its membership.
We pride ourselves in our awareness and involvement in the issues that concern all sportsmen.
MRC participates in the following:
Oswego County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs
The Oswego County Sportsmen’s Foundation
Affiliated Sportsmen’s Clubs of Jefferson County
New York Hunter and Archery Safety Program
The New York State Conservation Council
Other like-minded organizations
The strength of our club is our membership and their dedication to the protection and promotion of opportunities for the sportsmen for today and tomorrow.
The Mad River Club is believed to be the second oldest sportsmen’s club in New York State having been incorporated in 1894.
Our club has over 300 members.
We currently lease or own over 16,000 acres in New York State.
Our primary properties are located in Oswego County, on the Tug Hill Plateau. We also lease three different parcels in the “central southern tier”.
For a PDF book of our history please click on the following link:
MRC History Book
Club Officers
President: Gary Crawford Secretary: Greta Burghdurf
1st VP: Mark Bishop Membership: Jessica Green
2nd VP: Darien Brock Asst. Membership: Lyndsay Rowell
Treasurer: Lori Vezendy Newsletter: Ken Humez
Asst. Treasurer: David Vezendy Asst. Secretary/Newsletter: Jeff Chivaro
Board Members
1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Scott Collar Mike Lane Brian “Boz” Walton
Gary Daniels Gary Granger Rachel Pitkin
Greg Maselli Jim Walker Dennis Parker Jr.
Committee Chairs
Building Grounds Dale Macklen
Camping Jamie Bush
Trails Bill Rowell
Workday Kamarie Perkins
Entertainment Darien Brock
Security Eric Taber
Sick and Ailing Ken Burd
Parks and Rec Brian “Boz” Walton